Mobile Review The HTC desire Z leaves some things to be desired

Published Date 1/6/11 9:50 PM

The hardware is soled, its very well made, screen is good, keyboard OK (though can be a stretch to reach the keys).

Battery life is pretty bad, have not made it through a day yet.

Android is kinda clunky in a lot of places, not shore if this is HTC sense making it better or wares?

Camera is average, its hard to get a good focused shot and low light generally sucks. Ergonomics, of the camera is very bad, generally it is hard to hold the camera, to find the buttons and then actually know that you are pressing them.

Processor is fast and the UI responsive but the phone seams to suffer from wifi signal drop while holding it naturally to type with.

Conclusion: bad battery life, clunky software, problematic ergonomics as a camera.


NEXT: must be a better phone out there? Wright more about using it as a grassroots journalism tool soon.

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