Mainstreaming “common sense” insanity

Am starting to get the feeling we have really fucked up on the #Fediverse… It was coming, has it arrived?

I went to a geek meetup yesterday, and I came away with a feeling that our insanity is too deep to move away from. This is a problem for people who would like to see some active change and challenge. People really are insane in the era of #XR and #climatechaos

People are suiciding the idea of the #openweb agen, they can’t help themselves. 40 years of worshipping of the #deathcult affects people’s attempt to be humane, “common sense” wins in the current mess each time. This is BAD, very bad, come on guys #4opens

Ideas from the mental help profershernal please for dealing with #mainstreaming “common sense” insanity.

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