Published Date 9/26/17 12:05 PM
Open data – the site has RSS output and a API running on a custom version of wordpress (that is on github) so it kinda has opendata, would need clarification to confirm. ½ a open for now.
Open source – Yep the site is opensource and it up on github, the content licensing is not not stated so ½ a open till clarification.
Open “industrial” standards – Well wordpress is kinda a standard, they support RSS, podcasting and seam to have a open API. Will give them a open.
Open process – Process is opaque (likely closed) for content but the code is on Github for tech. That ½ a open
Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens
Novaramedia is a “bronze or silver” 4opens project depending on clarification.