Let us tell a fabulous story of social technology

Looking at the history of socialhub you can see the history of Monocracy, Aristocracy and Feudalism in the #geekproblem

The kings left long ago or never joined, why would a “divine” touch the muddle ground. The aristocrats in their social isolation still preen their fathers and try on their inviable cloths of gold and satin, their nakedness visible to everyone but themselves and the few fear bowed sycophants that hold the imaginary cloth from the mud.

The feudalism of the peasants is ignored as long as the “users” keep signing up for accounts.

This is a fables glimpse of the ruling court we build.

The is hope you can take the “problem” from the “geek” and yes you are right to be frightened and angry this would be taking off a comforting blindfold, and yes the sunlight would hurt the eyes for a time.

We can take this path if we can take the “problem” from “geek”, a simple idea, a hard path #OGB

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