Let s plant gardens

Published Date 1/3/16 6:18 PM

Mental malady’s and their antidotes – Ideology

* Right-wing ideology’s are based on fear.

* Left-wing ideology’s hope.

This is simple, you can see why we have a never ending war on “terror”. Its a self feeding product of and outcome of right ideology.

And the failed left is based on the same ideology, a fear based one.

How do we escape from this “straitjacket of fear”? The are many practical examples of the “left” activist subcultures working but they fall into the activist memory hole.

The is a role for librarians, historians and grassroots media makers to find and crystallise these “successes” and plant a garden filled with sprigs of “hope” and as this grows it will play a role in nourishing the left.

Compost is a social need to feed the garden of “hope”. The fallers of the left can be piled up here.

Pests are a balance in a healthy garden.

Big thinking lose and wild has lead the left to repeatedly go down the factory root in the 20th century, we aren’t building farms, just gardens. Its the media, communication that has the value, the bright vegetables and flowers have intrinsic value but “nourishment” comes from the “story’s”.

We are feeding minds and “spirit” and from the “hope” that blooms from this the unknown future can grow.

Lets plant 100’s of gardens, and get media bees buzzing and pollinating the future seeds.

For the ones who cant follow convoluted metaphors – lest try lots of small left projects and document what dose and dose not work.

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