How to build an interactive website

Published Date 9/11/11 9:00 PM



  • At the moment the site layout is quite confusing:

> How do you navigate back to the top page from the sub-pages? > You can’t always navigate between the pages: eg. from I can’t press the “organise” button (a green arrow comes up instead)

hamish: There are some minor issues with navigation which will be fixed by a process of user feedback. The major issues you highlight are actually only issues in the admin interface so are not urgent to fix – normal users (non admins) use the top menu buttons functions.

> not clear what the relationship is between:


Hamish: this is an issue with the 2 sites design, normally the organise page would be the home page – but as the home page is on a different website… The organise page is the introduction page and the getorganised page is the action page. This issue would be mediated by merging the two sites, till then we are stuck with an overly complex setup.

  • Which pages will be visible to the general public and which only to participants? At the moment anyone can look and see the names of all of the “members”.

Hamish: all pages are by default visible to everyone, BUT you have to be a member to edit a wiki page. The current exception to this will be the members page which will only be viewable by logged in members as we will not bring in the full functionality of this page till after we have signed up the members – currently the site is focused on organising

  • How do members browse / search through the other Conference participants?

Hamish: this functionality will be added, current we are focusing on usability and organizing

  • The Wiki and Members areas are quite hard to find. Ditto the page where you and propose a “self-organised” space

Hamish: there will be extensive interlinking inside the site in reaction to user action – this will bring all the widely used pages into prominent visabilerty


Some people may want to browse the entire programme (ie. the titles, speakers & descriptions) on one page, in the same way that one might flip through a printed programme. I think we should accommodate this, as well as having the individual web-pages (which will also include the lists of resources, feedback from participants etc…)

hamish: that’s a good idea, and we can implement it – but for now we are keeping the user experience as simple as possible, so will add this functionality to the site after the program has been added – its very easy to implement, but the issue is more about user interface (UI) and how it fits together, we will have a much better idea about this when we have the program in place.


This button doesn’t currently lead anywhere

hamish: it links to the old site


How will media items be listed on eg.

Hamish: in a number of ways, the most basic will be an auto updating show player with a playlist of items (this will have an embed code so can be placed on any website)

Is the plan to embed media for each session on that sessions individual page?

hamish: yes each session page will be configured with all the media items, links, resources and a user/organiser wiki page. The session pages can be active, running upto, during and after the conference.


  • The default mode for the discussion forums is that stuff is visible to everyone (including passing web-browsers). This needs to be made clear to folk + a clear explanation given about what folk need to do in order to limit the visibility of posts to other Conference participants. Who will folk contact if they want to change the settings of a post? I don’t want to have to deal with phone calls from folk about this!

Hamish: that’s a good point, we need a clear statement that the site uses an “open security modele” and link to what this means.


Not sure that “outcomes” is a good term to use, as their are lots of potential outcomes for the Conference that aren’t listed here. Maybe “take action” (though we might want to include some more “active” actions if we do this). The main text on to be redrafted and agreed so that (a) it explains where folk can easily access the info they need to follow through on the “outcome” in question; and (b) it doesn’t look as though we’re talking down to people.

hamish: outcomes is the wording used in the RMC process, This is simply a draft page the outcomes were circulated for feedback to the list, if needed we can temporarily hide this page till it is further filled in – or just have a prominent DRAFT heading which is more web02

How does relate to ?

hamish: the first is a static page (which only admins can edit) the second is an open wiki which participants can add to

We need to draft and agree texts fo the buttons on the LHS.

hamish: not sure what this means?


  • Need to have clear defintions: “self-organised”, “meet-ups” etc.. won’t be clear to a lot of people
  • Difficult to find the “meet-ups” section

hamish: prominent interlinking by user interaction will make the important pages more visible, we will adust after some user feedback to make shore the is a good balance

  • Impossible to evaluate further without knowing what the process is going to be (I think this is the “conference guidelines” bit). Clearly this is the heart of the “self-organised” spaces, and should include clear timelines etc…

Hamish: this should be available soon

  • Who is going to moderate this process?

Hamish: as has been outlined the majority of the work will fall to hamish, richard and marc, though everyone with admin access – all members of the organising group who ask can take part if they want to.

  • How will the agreed “self-organised” sessions be publicised?

hamish: they will be published on the RMC mail out and on social networks

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