From chaos comes order

“You first need to discover as much as possible relevant items within the desired domain, meaning that everything needs to be discoverable (i.e. it needs to be made available and be accessible, but also the right structure and metadata need to be in place for everything to be properly indexed and categorised)”

The #OMN is set out to solve this problem from the bottom-up: the lived communities define the categories.

The #OMN is a part of the fediverse to grow an #openweb native approach, creating distributed metadata enriched permanent stores of stories and media/data.

Two examples below:

1. A grassroots news project for the fediverse

2. A data-store for an exhibition, that archives grassroots movements history. (ADD LINK)

The project is KISS (keep it simple stupid) and works at a human scale, to build communities of care.

The data is stored within/across the communities and easily accessed.

It’s a discovery thing (EXAMPLE)

The codebase/tool/networks is applicable to any bottom-up communication/categorization and discovery project.

The #OMN is a simple framework that will use many of the existing #openweb tools:

* A searX plugin opens this data/news to a casual browser.

* ipfs can be used to store the large data objects

* ActivityPub is the flow of data objects through the network

We bring the legacy web via RSS and push out flows to the “Internet of Humans”

“From chaos comes order” from getting the right eyes to see the right news, to putting the right historical object into the right box.

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