Focus on things we don’t actually know are going to fail

We need non #deathcult #mainstreaming there are meany ideas to make this happen but no agreement on which one to take 🙂

I am into grassroots as have long expirence of this working at local levels and federation gives us an option to try this for larger groups, that is worth trying #OGB

The problem we face is that most of these tech project paths we know do not work, as the same #geekproblem projects has been tried meany times over the last 20 years.

One thing we need to do is focus on stopping this utterly pointless #techchurn to focus on things we don’t actually know are going to fail… but yes, you would be right to point out we don’t know these ideas will work as we haven’t tried them yet…

This is a good problem to have #OGB

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