#deathcult and #lifecult are metaphors of human nature

#deathcult and #lifecult are metaphors of human nature. Both are “cults” very human. Life and death is a better truth to speak, but not human to communicate, we compromise with the world as it is and live in the world of cults.

For the logic choppers, the words are not for you, you are a knife, we are talking about metaphors and inspiration, the building of hope. The Knife that you know divides, which is a small part of building hope, I am touching on the wider social “truths” in these metaphors.

#deathcult is the mainstreaming, “greed is good” is a modern glimpse.

#lifecult is a counter current that makes up a part of mainstream, you can find this in “left” politics, ecological movements and some religious heretics and sects.

Death and Life are a balance in the wide view. To us/humans we push a more narrow view some for life some for death.

We build our hope in #undercurrents of our social movements these feed into/or feed the mainstreaming cultures that reshape us.

At best “life” is the spring/flow. Though often our society build sewers and the filth of “death” contaminates this spring. This is the worlds we live in.

The ansear is simple, composting to purify the shit that fill the mainstream. Our job “life” is building this composting social system.

Ideas to communicate this to the logisticians who are our need “blinded” alias in this building work.

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