Citizen journalism equipment update 2014

Published Date 9/28/14 2:31 PM


It seems this phone has issues with the adapter cable, so hold on any purchase for the moment.


We couldent get the moto G to work with the adapter cable, we trayed every way for a few weeks. So tryed the nexus 5 that had simuler issues but finaly worked useing a 3ed party camera app.

For a cheap first citizen journalism phone/camera I would recommend the 2014 version of the Moto G

Then you need Audio Technica PRO24

And finerly a mic adapter to plug them togather

As technology keeps updating, I haven’t tested these just based on reviews, please message me with your direct experience.

You could try something like this to stabilise the mobile as they are small and light so and hard to hold steady.  You will have to reach and buy this yourself, report back if you find a good one.

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