Brixet and the Labour Party -Why the media is full of lies

You do understand that almost all #traditionalmedia coverage of #brixet and the labour party is a right meme the labour party have a solid policy on this subject, that is not explained, thus the right wing meme issue. Please check sources before spreading media #openweb

I think meme is actually a good way of describing the issue as #traditionalmedia moves its #classwar into the internet era. They used to have a fig leaf of objectivity when the only news source. If you look this has now been removed, I suppose am not surprised people don’t look 😉

The labour party POLICY has nothing to do with #traditionalmedia agenders, its a sensible 3 stage democratic process. Ie most articals are FUD,_uncertainty_and_doubt

People push right wing memes from #traditionalmedia to the #dotcons were the algorithms push it into every unthinking addictive corner of society. Not surprisingly few people have any understanding of the policy of the British Labour party, nothing new here, but our own role, this is new.

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