Bringing meaning is hard

This text is about “us” it dues not talk about “them” It’s good to keep this in mind that am likely talking about YOU.

There is a large amount of pointlessness in the world, open up a space and pointlessness will flood in. While meaning mostly, its self, is just noise that soon fades.

In a world that is heading for social/climate chaos there is a need for meaning that is beyond just noise, though when we try to open space they are still flooded with pointlessness. Making meaning beyond noise is currently failing.

We do need to do better to help to make social meaning, not just noise, please do not flood open spaces with pointlessness is a basic step that is URGENTLY needed to be pushed to shape opening spaces.

What is pointless, well 98% of everything around you in social reaction is obviously pointless, most is space filling, a little actively evil.

What is meaning? Today, the tiny amount of social building that holds back social/climate chaos is a good place to start.

We have a strong DIY culture in the 1990’s that no longer exists at all, that was an opening for meany people to live and a minority to build meaning.

In the era of the dead #deathcult pushing pointlessness is always evil, in this the is little active good in the world, and we all strongly feel the emptiness of meaning.

We can be greedy creatures, when we push this, we suffer. We are hopeful creatures, when we push this, we are happier. Build meaning, push back pointlessness, compost the undead of every path, do this a little every day, from compost the flowering of meaning grows.

(E)Revolution is building buttresses/structures of meaning in the face of the flooding pointlessness, it’s a simple thing.

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