Marx on Nature Conference

10:30 am-11:30 am: Alex Colas (Birkbeck): Marx, Capitalism and Maritime Temporalities 11:30 am-12:30 pm: Gareth Dale (Brunel): Marx, Growth Ideology, and Degrowth 12:30-14:00: lunch break 14:00-15:00: Nick Stevenson (Nottingham): Democratic Socialism, Degrowth and the Commons: Raymond Williams, Marxism, and the Anthropocene 15:00-16:00: Martin Crook (UWE Bristol): Marx and the Ecocide – Genocide Nexus 16:00-16:30: coffee…

Why people should worry about NGO paths

The problem with #NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) and the wider (vertical adjacent) thinking they represent. In part, the issue is about how the organizations operate and adapt to pressures, particularly regarding funding. Overall, this dynamic results in a situation where NGOs, initially formed to challenge the status quo and advocate for change, become co-opted by the…

Understanding #OMN and the #GeekProblem

Using the #OMN hashtag story to address the challenges and opportunities in the tech world, particularly in mediating the #geekproblem, involves leveraging the power of storytelling, community engagement, and strategic advocacy. In the #geekproblem, there are two distinct paths. One path leads to the geeks who won’t code for changing human nature; they are consumed…

Addressing climatechaos requires a radical approach

The climate crisis and its broader implications: Understanding the Crisis Soft Problem: Infrastructure Response To address the primary effects of climate change, we need to: Hard Problem: State Stability and Security Addressing the secondary effects involves: Accountability and Legal Action Prosecuting individuals or groups for their direct roles in the climate crisis involves several considerations:…

The Supremacy of Capital: A Fundamental Challenge in the Era of #ClimateChaos

In today’s world, the supremacy of capital stands as a pillar holding up our societies and institutions. This assertion, though seemingly simple, carries implications for our understanding of power dynamics, economic structures, and the urgent need for change in the face of #climatecrisis. This encapsulates a recognition that economic interests, particularly those of capitalists and…

OMN – improving the tech landscape

A “native” path to composting the tech mess lies in understanding and addressing the underlying issues. A breakdown of a social tech path: By delving into these #OMN resources and frameworks, you gain a deeper understanding of the issues and discover pathways toward solutions. Collaborating with others who share goals and values amplifies the impact…

The mess we keep making of #FOSS governance

It’s disheartening to see a community platform like #Trustroots facing challenges with governance, with issues and tensions among its contributors and here This situation is messy and underscores the importance of establishing healthy governance practices within community-driven projects to ensure their long-term sustainability and effectiveness. The case of Trustroots alongside the earlier…

A conversation that circles

Too often I find my self in conversations that revolve around the intersection of technology and social issues, with one side emphasizing the importance of practical solutions to real-world problems, while the other highlights the underlying social dynamics that shape technological landscapes these “solutions” are often supposed to be addressing. The first prioritize pragmatic immediate…