A sordid story of fear and punishment, and a path to walk away from this

“It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.”

People are shaped by the “dominant social thinking” this should not be a radical thing to say as its obverses. People survive by deigning this, blinded to this obverse thinking. To stay blind, they #BLOCK challenges to their blindness.

Why do people choice to be blind in our sunlight world? The is a circle here, people who push #mainstreaming agenda are “reworded” and those who push agenst mainstreaming are “punished”. The desire to be blinded, to live bowed down and prostrate eyes turned to the darkness come from this simple reword and punishment that binds together the current social mess we very sadly think is normal.

“(Men) make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past.”

People find meaning and build their lives in the twilight, constantly pushing away glints of light that might illuminant too strongly the social squallier and everyday cruelty there #mainstreaming has pushed out into the shadows away from them, all around them.

The human condition has always embedded this desire/need for blindness, yes, sometimes we have rebled, the era of the enlightenment, some fractions of the 20th century are examples, most times and most people have conformed, we have strong confirmatory today.

This is expressed in different ways in different eras, in the post-modern and dogmatic liberal times we live in I find #stupidindividualism to be descriptive, a shard of light to blind the everted eyes, if people take the time to acclimatize to the gloom this illuminates they might find themselves and there “community” a path out of this mess.

The is hope here, you can take the “stupid” away from “individualism” a simple idea, though a not easy path to take #OMN

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