A first step to reboot alt grassroots media

Published Date 3/4/17 6:32 PM

A first step to reboot alt/grassroots media land an update on were we are on the OMN (open media network) linking project.

* The is a node/site up http://omn.openworlds.info:8080/

* This currently has 10 embeds https://github.com/tomspost/OMN/wiki on sites as a soft roll out

* we are aiming to expand this out to 100 sites over the summer for the hard launch

We bring good content in and push it out as links on site sidebars/sections on these sites. To make this work better the producer sites need to add more subject tags to posts as embedding sites can use these to display content flows they like ie. the more tags the more shared views for producer sites.

For a lose time scale of the project http://bit.ly/2mUDA3f

Howto use the OMN

This is a first step of a longer project.

Goto http://omn.openworlds.info:8080

1) You can click on the RSS feed button to get a news river for your site, this will link to articles from all the feeds in the node/site.

2) If you are interested in only some subjects or groups click on group tags (with @ in front) and/or subject tags. You can chose as many as you like and then only these will show up in your river embed. Then click the RSS link.

3) Take the URL of the RSS feed, in the new window that opens. Go to your CMS/site/blog and install a RSS display/widget and add the RSS URL to it. You can use the formatting options to change the number of items and what info to display.

That’s it for now.

Your site is now a part of a open alt/grassroots media network. Planing a role in linking up and cooperating to build a progressive world view. To empower people to build a better world.

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