Published Date 5/8/11 12:28 PM
“Stupid individualism”
We are made this way
Many try to heal on different paths
Most Stumble from the individualism of there path
“all you need is love” sing the rainbow
“all you need is social/economic change” shout the activists
Both drift into baroness with out the balance of the other
To birth a world
Rituals build and sustain community’s
Rituals bind together the individualism’s
Roots grow from these bindings
Roots hold the earth agenst the weathering of time
And from these rituals a forest grows
And shelters us from the elements (time)
Beauty grows
Beauty grows from seeing each the same in the performance of the rite
The harmony of the Ohm
The chaining together to stop the nuclear train
Balancing beauty, unerty, grow the bindings
That make life beautiful
Truth grows
Truth grows from the light and dark of the touched world
Truth is beauty balanced with social rites
Truth is from the forest, with out the forest the is no truth
Life grows…