This need some concerted activism to hold them to account for the mess they push. Please use the #4opens and try to be polite is my thinking, now where is my shovel?
An #openweb organic intellectual,technologist and part of the #OMN
This need some concerted activism to hold them to account for the mess they push. Please use the #4opens and try to be polite is my thinking, now where is my shovel?
Best to start from #KISS the left is based on trust and open culture. Moving away from this the left has destroyed itself over the last 40 years.
* The #fashernista embracing of postmodernism
* The soft left embrace of the “common sense” of neoliberalism
Combined, these have undermined the foundations the left is built on. This leaves people helpless to compost the current mess, as our shovel for piling the #mainstreaming have no head, nor a handle.
Of course, the is also an older horizontal and vertical split that divided the left in the 20th centenary. This is not the subject at hand, we need to compost the current mess before we can look at this older mess.
When dealing with #mainstreaming people, there is a strong #blocking from their incompetence, paranoia and mental health issues.
This is draining, we need good social paths to mediate this mess that 40 years of head down worshipping a #deathcult has left with us to work with.
Academics writing and thinking on activism tends to be bad because the sources are outa date and second hand, and the people who acutely want to talk to academics are the #fashernistas who have little idea of how things work in activism.
Put this into the academic feedback loop, and you have something that looks like 19th century “mannerism” this is bad, very bad.
Most academy is about building consensus on how to name things. Am at a Oxford seminar on Deepfakes & Disinformation (Cassidy Bereskin) which is doing this, maybe discourse after, let’s see.
The events are status games, to establish a place in #mainstreaming hierarchy with the subject they are working on. There is little if any time spent talking about the issues outside this, is this actually dealing with the mess we face?
At the end the was more of the same, this is an actual “academic” problem, ideas please?
I get confused with the mess people push over my views. I am a seruse guy, addressing fundamental issues that are #blocking the change and challenge, we all agree are needed in tech to address social and environmental issues,
Have been doing this at the VERY sharp face of conflict for 40 years. Please look at the hundreds of films I made on this subject, thanks.
Where do people get the idea, what am talking about is not seruseus? This is a hard-to-understand view people push, am trying in good faith to address.
Hope this helps, so we can move past this mess making, thanks.
Some of the lifework videos on youtube
The current media coverage of tribal struggles in the Middle East is fraught with complexities and contradictions. The situation in the West Bank and Gaza, with Israel’s establishment of settlements and the resulting occupation, is a source of intense debate and contention.
As highlighted by Ms. Pillay in her statement, successive Israeli governments have ignored international law by creating settlements and transferring Israeli civilians into the West Bank and Gaza. This has, in essence, established facts on the ground, which are aimed at securing permanent Israeli control. Occupations resulting from unlawful armed attacks are distinct disputes, allowing the occupied state to legally exercise its right to self-defence under Article 51 of the UN Charter to recover its territory.
The 1947 UN declaration, which is foundational to understanding the conflict. It underscores the legal aspects of the situation and the potential rights and claims of both parties involved. In this context, Hamas, as the governing authority in Gaza, has a legal right to use military force to liberate their illegally occupied land, based on these UN resolutions. but of coures the heart of the matter lies in the interpretation and application of international law and resolutions.
The media’s role in disseminating information, which lacks a comprehensive view of these complexities, is a part of the current mess. #mainstreaming media falls short of its mission to tell the “truth.” Instead, they mix facts with biased narratives, creating confusion and misinterpretation. To address this and build a path toward peace, we need media that focuses on presenting the facts more clearly and more objectively, as laid out in UN statements and latter actions. This means refraining from propagating falsehoods or favouring one side over the other. The historical context, and the UN’s involvement, can serve as a useful resource for those seeking to understand the mess of the Middle East conflict.
Untangling Middle East conflicts, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, needs a better commitment to truth and accuracy in media coverage. By being honest to the principles and resolutions of international bodies like the UN, we might achieve a clearer understanding to work towards a just and lasting peace in the region.
A simple view of the current mess making in our media coverage of the tribal struggles in the Middle East.
“By ignoring international law in establishing or facilitating the establishment of settlements, and directly or indirectly transferring Israeli civilians into these settlements, successive Israel governments have set facts on the ground to ensure permanent Israeli control in the West Bank,” said Ms. Pillay.
“occupations resulting from unlawful armed attacks are indeed distinct disputes that do not fall under the prohibition contained in the UNGA 2625, and the occupied state may therefore legally exercise its right to unilateral and/or collective self-defence against the occupying power(s) under Article 51 of the UN Charter to recover its territory.” Https://
In this the Hamas government has a legal right to use military force to liberate illegally occupied land under the UN 1947 declaration
Our #mainstreaming media coverage is mixing this simple story with lies and propaganda. In this, they are failing in the self-declared mission of telling the “truth”. This is in part why we have way too much mess, and yes nobody in this is black and white good or bad, let’s try and stop our media adding mess to this, and please try to keep the simple clear truth of the above UN statements and actions and build a peace FROM THIS.
For a basic overview, a Wikipedia article: Https://
In activism (and interestingly less so in #mainstreaming life now) #stupidindividualism is a constant poison. With #blinded, people treat critical social thinking as ONLY personal criticism. This has the effect of #blocking that spreads mess over the very needed social change and challenge. Am increasingly using the #dontbeaprat hashtag to communicate on this problem.
I think another useful hashtag on this behaviour is #blinded, which is in part self-inflicted and in part a general social outcome of the last 40 years of worshipping #postmodernism and #neoliberalism. The hashtag #deathcult is a useful “uncomfortable” way of expressing this.
Why is this such an issue, people are directly responsible for this mess making, as both of these ideologies are actually dead themselves now. It’s an intellectual zombie block.
So #dontbeaprat is a positive statement of what’s next?
Please #dontbeaprat on this, thanks.
As a part of #4opens here are all the invoices for #OMN on OVH
The #mainstreaming is making a mess. This is why they are trying to “solve” polarity, as they are afraid of it. They want to push the diversity of views out of sight, it’s a contemporary dogma “there is no alternative” and we won’t fund it if they were one.
If you listen through to the end of this
18m you can see why they have the initial bad reaction.
The #OGB project is designed to do this as in the Luddites in the good sense.
Bringing “polarity” into sight, so people can solve this for social ends.
The #OGB is polite, consensus pushing “class war” it’s a DIY path out of #mainstreaming mess… Mainstreaming will not fund this easily – a problem for us to build the needed alternative.