If you want a good progressive media you need to challenge the powerpolatics that our current individual groups are based on

Power Politics, if you are interested in a progressive alt-media, this cannot continue as a core social solutions to the majority of problems. We need a genuine consensus based approach, which cannot happen if powerpolatics is an unspoken option in social movements. We have an existing social movement to build alt media and an easey to build outcome from this dead end problem, I express this as the #4opens in a less diluted form this is expressed in the open source/freesofterwere movement that almost all the world’s tech is already based on.

The cream of our new media networks such as #navaramedia are embedded in power politics and powerfully against such movements as the #4opens by ignoring issues that do not push there powerpolatics agender.

We have smaller groups such as #reelnews who are affinity groups, “family” based #4opens. They work in the horizontal world but there output is still largely building the powerpolatics worldviews.

The are many bottom feeding NGO projects such as the #mediafund who would like to be a part of powerpolatics but try to achieve this by feeding off #4opens projects building copies of alt media to subsidies there failing funding/powerpolatics agenders.

There are a bunch of “successful” alt media projects, such as #commondreams that feed off and feed back into the “chattering classes” these are irrelevant for progressive alt-media outcomes. But they do produce content that could be a part of a progressive media network

We currently have flows of content that aggregated actually builds a strong progressive media. BUT each of these projects that support the production of this media are embedded in and do not see outside powerpolatics agenders thus we currently do not have a strong progressive alt media. The best outcome of the current alt media projects is that Navaramedia become the new guardian newspaper, look at the #powerpolatics capture that ended up.

If you want a good progressive media you need to challenge the powerpolatics that our current individual groups are based on. One such #4opens network is the #OMN what ideas do you have?

Its hard to find a external battery that works with laptops and solar power.

XT-20000QC2 Power Bank – modern DC/USB QC2 battery with 20400mAh – 1x USB, 1x USB QC 2.0 and DC connection of 12V, 16.5V, 19V, 20V and 24V 65W max.

On my boat I like this portable battery  as it outputs 12-24v and USB and charges from both as well, it will charge slowly off a small USB solar panel and fast off a full size 12v one. Hasn’t broken yet 😉

USB with a fast charger and a good cable charging is up to 15w with normal 5w and a bad cable 2.5w

From a 12-24v source charging is up to 30w


A question for fashionistas is drinking piss healthy?

A. Start a outreach stepaway from the #dotcons project and watch the old crap crubbale when you glance back. Be a part of a soughted #fashernistas movement to create social change #OMN

Q. You have been saying this over and over for the last few years and railing against the mysterious #fashernistas. And what plan did you announce this week? To start your own YouTube channel! “Physician heal thyself” seems an appropriate comment …

A. Nothing wrong in having one foot in a each camp, have been saying this for years. “Stepaway” is the strategy to try and medate the moralistic shaming that is not constructive. Am still talking about seedboxs for #peertube and the #geekproblem that stops this obviously needed, being a priority http://visionon.tv works as a video host but we have no distributed way to store the seed files… so not an option. Thus the youtube channel for #boatingeurope Of course would need one even if #peertube had seedbox’s to keep one foot in the #dotcons to offer a helping hand to people who won’t to septaway. Good to think these things through.

Ps. Am gently takeing the piss by calling it a #fashernista movement, but if you look at people’s consumption of #mainstreammedia it looks very much like people like drinking piss so maybe its not a joke?

Now that is a “shaming” thought…

A conversation about nuclear power as band aid for climate change

Q. Find it hard to understand people who support new nuclear power as a climate solution. Yes technically it could be but politically its just divide and destroy of progress movements as its not going to happen simple. Look at the history of dishonest/ridiculously over cost agenders, simple its poison, please support something people can get behind.

A. I agree it’s a political problem, not a technical one. Sadly, physics doesn’t give a flying fuck wether a solution is politically feasible or not. The planet is warming at a speed faster than any in the last 60 million years, and that spells serious trouble unless we decarbonise everything really quickly. And that means not just electricity, but transport, cement, construction, industry and everything else. Not in 50 years, but now. That’s why renewables can’t do it. Not because they can’t in principle, of course they could. But simply because it will take us decades to ramp up the production facilities necessary to churn out enough solar panels to plaster them everywhere in order to generate electricity that is needed.

What we need now is a band aid. And there is no band aid better than nuclear power to get us out of the current pickle. Nothing deliver small kilowatt-hours put dollar invested. Nothing delivers more kilowatt hours per unit of greenhouse gas emissions. Nothing delivers more kilowatt hours per unit of land taken up. You just can’t do without it.

Q. Climate chaos is here we need new infrastructure to be usable in a more divided and disorganized society’s. Ie. We need new infrastructure to be on the “horizontal” rather than “vertical” balance. As vertical solution like nuclear power are a dangerous choice in a unstable/changing world. A completely fucked up example is the new Hinkley Point power station build at sea level with a high fixed garrentyed price for generations, it will likely be underwater and abandond before it’s put into use would be a good outcom, underwater after turned on would be a complete human/eco disaster. This is not to mention the nuclear elephant up north Sellafield were the is no solution to sea level rise. Just stop this crap now comes to mind.

Q. I agree that Hinkley Point and Sellafield are idiotic choices. But that argument is the same as saying that hammers should be banned because some idiot use one to bash in the head of his girlfriend. It’s a tool. You can use it well or you can use it badly.

The problem with that disorganised and divided society you mention is that there are so very many of us on this planet. Over half of us already live in cities, and that number is increasing rapidly. We can’t disorganise that. On the contrary, you need scalable solutions to ensure that these people have a decent life, rather than a dog eat dog one.

Q. And, since we have to decarbonise everything to ensure that agriculture has a halfway decent chance of feeding all of these people,

Q. We need to figure out a way of supplying enough energy for all of these people in their needs. In the short term, nothing scales like nuclear. Hydropower destroys landscapes. Thermal power plants have thrown us into the pickle we are in today. Nothing else scales as quickly as nuclear. And, since the balance of the evidence available from the nuclear attacks on Japan and the various accidents that have happened since show that radioactivity is more feared than actually dangerous, I really don’t see what’s stopping us.

A. I hear what you are saying but how do you change nuclear from a long ongoing history a poison to one of light and delight in unstable #dotcons dominated times. Its really not helpful to push this against Decentralized renewables. A state lead enforcement of energy “austerity” to be sweetened by pushing as insulation of existing infrastructure to make the world as it is more sustainable and more robust. The only realistic solution is collective action, everything else is a vertical tecno fixe which are always a problem and never a solution. Its already a mess lets try to not to make it messer. You can argue that the is no time and no hope, a fair point of view, but, keep focus, the solution has to be social and nuclear is not a part of this.

Howto see the world

With out a wider “ideological” world view you have no place to stepaway from your past mistakes. Everyone needs to look at the world from differing perspectives. The current neo-liberal dogma in all its different fashionable clothes is just that a failed dogma that we clearly need to stepaway from.

The world can be different, I have lived most of my life in a different world to the one that is swallowing everything around me.

I use the word “blinded” to describe meany of the people I meet in tech and grassroots movements. They are blinded for differing surface reasons, on the hippy side it is conspiracy dressed as empty spiritualism. On the liberal progressive side it is internalized neo-liberalism feeding fear, cowardice and greed dressed in the “sacred” garb of “self intrest”. Best not to mention the process geeks or #encryptionists

The are paths to stepaway from this mess #openweb #4opens is one that would be empowering for both non geeks and the more technically minded.

Brixet and the Labour Party -Why the media is full of lies

You do understand that almost all #traditionalmedia coverage of #brixet and the labour party is a right meme the labour party have a solid policy on this subject, that is not explained, thus the right wing meme issue. Please check sources before spreading media #openweb

I think meme is actually a good way of describing the issue as #traditionalmedia moves its #classwar into the internet era. They used to have a fig leaf of objectivity when the only news source. If you look this has now been removed, I suppose am not surprised people don’t look 😉

The labour party POLICY has nothing to do with #traditionalmedia agenders, its a sensible 3 stage democratic process. Ie most articals are FUD https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt

People push right wing memes from #traditionalmedia to the #dotcons were the algorithms push it into every unthinking addictive corner of society. Not surprisingly few people have any understanding of the policy of the British Labour party, nothing new here, but our own role, this is new.

Ethical Consumerism – fuckyou

Hippy capitalism is back, well it never went away, from bamboo tooth brushes to everything made outa charcoal. its all evil people pushing the same illusions of self control while ignoring the uncomfortable social truths the deluded desire this is based on. #fuckyou comes to mind, just stop buying crap in general

Don’t buy into middle class “ethical consumerism” instead buy less, buy second hand, live simply. Most importunately engage in making the social world a better place. You can do this in both small community levels and larger political movements, best a mix of all three. Just don’t get stuck in the “ethical consumerism” evil death pit

“climate change is coming”.

Main point is that when you see evil point at it and call it what it is EVIL this apply’s to just about all “ethical consumerism”

Ps. Best to not see this as a ethical judgment and better to see this as a good move to have space/time to live a more interesting life. Money for most people is directly connected with depressing, pointless, work slavery.

1) Simple spend less on crap.

2) Work less to earn the money to spend on crap.

3) Live life better in the space this opens up.

As Paul Mackilligin says on #failbook

…and those who make their profits from selling us crap are busy lobbying politicians to change laws and regulations so that we have to buy more.

My favourite quote from Adam Smith: the concluding lines from Book One of The Wealth of Nations…

“The interest of the dealers, however, in any particular branch of trade or manufactures, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public. To widen the market, and to narrow the competition, is always the interest of the dealers. To widen the market may frequently be agreeable enough to the interest of the public; but to narrow the competition must always be against it, and can only serve to enable the dealers, by raising their profits above what they naturally would be, to levy, for their own benefit, an absurd tax upon the rest of their fellow-citizens.

The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men, whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have
generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public,
and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived
and oppressed it.”


Let’s look at a new #fashernista social media project from the perspective of the #4opens


Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data with out this open they cannot work.

* you can download your data, though I cannot find the link. No RSS or other open data standards – 1/2 open

Open source – as in “free software” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have ain’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* its closed source, though likely used open source code backend but not listed – no open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understand but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_standard

* nop, it’s all proprietary. – no open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process

* nop, the is no view of the company behind the project #dotcons – no open

* mewe is 1/2 out of 4opens so is not a 4opens project.

The #geekproblem pushing over #openweb agen

https://www.wired.com/story/how-blockchain-can-wrest-the-internet-from-corporations The #encryptionists are trying to pushing there flagging project over the healthy #openweb reboot.

Q. need a new hashtag? lovers of blockchain (bloccatenaphile?) are a breed unto themselves, and not likely to be as sensible as some those who are in to encryption.

how broad is your definition of #encryptionist?

A. #encryptionists my “fuckyou” thoughts started with the #indymedia network. The #geekproblem installed a self signed certificate on the domain to increase “privacy” alongside not logging ip addresses on the local server.

The “good affect” only securaty theater, the bad affect, every user received a browser pop up saying “do not trust this site” and the IP addresses could just be collected “upriver” at the ISP/switch level by the state actors who were monitoring the project


The affect of not logging IP address locally was a rising deluge of spam and moderator burn out.

The was not democratic process on these changes, and no way to role them back or even address the issue. The project of over 100 globle news sites, with thousands of media creators and millions of users. Ossified and then died, the #dotcons soon replaced it.

#fashernistas moved on, the #openweb started to die.

The #geekproblem pushing #encryptionists agenders OVER #openweb projects.

The is a role for #encryptionists /closed but it’s on balance a smaller one than “open” is my core experience over the last 20 years.

All tech is “ideology” as code, we need to talk about this #4opens