Escaping the dotcon worldwide

Published Date 11/4/17 2:40 PM

UPDATE this is in process.

Escaping the #dotcon worldwide

Terms of services – based on the #4opens

* Activist – based on PGA hallmarks

* NGO – find a big org and use that’s TOS

Copy the mastodon TOS and refocus to the above

* Names x2

* Domains x2

Then setup Github sites with these names to run the tech side of the project and provide a on-line organizing space.

We need a list of outreach orgs and contacts in this likely all ready exists.

Funding document writing for LUSH

4opens archiving project

Published Date 10/27/17 4:23 PM


The creation of a data soup of semantic enriched digital items on a redundant federated network around the world.

The WitchesCauldron is a commons based on the 4opens motivated by PGA hallmarks

Simple and human scale KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) to facilitate DIY.

Be part of this federated network built using the tools of the OMN (Open Media Network)

We need projects like the Media Fund as part of an #openweb echo syteam

Published Date 10/23/17 6:50 PM

We need projects like the Media Fund as part of a #openweb echo-syteam. But they need to get a bit upto date to be relevant, currently they are years in the past in their thinking – this is a #fashernista problem that is made worst by funding agenda’s being many more years in the past.

With the fast moving tech agenda in hand with the #geekproblem we have had more than 10 years of fuckups in this area. We cannot afford many more.

“The Media Fund What is the level of awareness among Facebook users that the platform is shifting ever more towards the favour of bigger corporations?

We need to get honest on this, guys like the Media Fund used to run workshops on how to use Facebook for campaigning. While the alt media disintegrated, left behind. Now the #openweb is getting close to disintegration, while you have been talking about the problem of the mainstream media for the last few years. Yes #failbook was/is a problem, especially when #fashernista activists were pushing it as the solution.

The real current issue is now the #openweb tools, not year old news about #failbook

Please try to do the right thing

Offering a real alternative to the dotcons world

Published Date 10/17/17 4:59 PM

This is a quite #reboot of the #openweb going on. This #4opens project has nearly 1 million users It’s one of the use it or lose it moments for life outside #failbook. It would be a bad time for progressive funders to start to prop up the #dotcons world if we don’t try to change direction, sad outcome is invertible.

A funding application to set up/boot up both an “NGO” and an “Activism” instance of Mastodon. Each could have different “terms of service” but would both talk to each other and the wider #AP networks. It’s time and not a #dotcons and works #OMN

Would need a crew of 3 people part-time for 6 months roll out then 6 months sustaining after this year the project should be self-sustaining due to low running costs. Can use patron and occasional donation drives.

Hamish – lead fixer and Activist outreach
Sys admin – to set up the servers and keep them running
NGO Outreach – to outreach to NGO’s and get them to buy into the #openweb project.

5-7K funding for the first year. From Lush and Edgefund
This would mostly be part-time wages, with some server and outreach costs. A monthly donation would go to the development

The project would be organised on Github as a #4opens project as a part of an open media network.

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens corporatewatch

Published Date 10/7/17 6:07 PM

Open data – the site has RSS output and the content licence is CC so a open

Open source – hard to tell what the site is runing but likly open source so a open for now

Open “industrial” standards – they support RSS, but thats about it so half a open

Open process – Process is opaque (likely open internaly) Thats ½ a open

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

corporatewatch is a “silver” 4opens project depending on some clarification.

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens realmedia

Published Date 10/6/17 1:04 PM

Open data – the site has RSS feed but is copyright so 1/2 of a open

Open source –  its wordpress kinda open 1/2 

Open “industrial” standards –  they do not easely support RSS podcasts and most media is corp hosted so 1/2 a open

Open process – Process is opaque.

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

realmedia is a Bronze #4opens project, need clarification. 

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens democracynow

Published Date 10/6/17 12:30 PM

Open data – the site has RSS feed, no copyright/CC notice on site so ½ of a open till clarifyed 

Open source –  hard to tell if the code base is opensource so no open for now.

Open “industrial” standards –  they support RSS and podcasts and all media is openstandered so a open

Open process – Process is opaque to ouytisders but likly relativly open to insiders so 1/2 open maybe.

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Democracynow is a Bronze #4opens project.

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens thecanary

Published Date 9/27/17 11:41 AM

Open data the site has a RSS feed, but contet copyright so ½ of a open

Open source –  wordpress so a open

Open “industrial” standards – Well WordPress is kinda a standard, they support RSS but no podcasts and all media on closed corporate accounts so ½ a open

Open process – Process is opaque (likely closed) for content. No open

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

thecanary is Bronze #4opens project.

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens Novaramedia

Published Date 9/26/17 12:05 PM

Open data the site has RSS output and a API running on a custom version of wordpress (that is on github) so it kinda has opendata, would need clarification to confirm. ½ a open for now.

Open source – Yep the site is opensource and it up on github, the content licensing is not not stated so ½ a open till clarification.

Open “industrial” standards – Well wordpress is kinda a standard, they support RSS, podcasting and seam to have a open API. Will give them a open.

Open process – Process is opaque (likely closed) for content but the code is on Github for tech. That ½ a open

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Novaramedia is a “bronze or silver” 4opens project depending on clarification.

Lets look at some open projects from the perspective of the 4opens Mastodon

Published Date 9/25/17 5:49 PM

Open data – YES Can I save my data?

Yes, some of it! It‘s under Preferences->Data export

Open source – YES


Version 3, 19 November 2007

Open “industrial” standards – YES We are using the OStatus suite of protocols:

  1. Webfinger for user-on-domain lookup

  2. Atom feeds with ActivityStreams, Portable Contacts, Threads extensions for the actual content

  3. PubSubHubbub for subscribing to Atom feeds

  4. Salmon for delivering certain items from the Atom feeds to interested parties such as the mentioned user, author of the status being replied to, person being followed, etc

Open process – YES its organised in a open way on Github

Bronze 2 opens
Silver 3 opens
Gold 4 opens

Mastodon is a “gold” 4opens project.