Post from 29 03 2009 it is a technological project which can only come out of a community project

Published Date 10/17/12 1:13 AM

Our project is basically about technological standards – It isn’t about what people do with these standards – the standards them selves lean in the direction we politically desire inherently.

And these technological standards will not be brought about by technology, but the social use of technology, so we are creating a community of people around these standards – and it is this community that will create the technological standard. The technology by it self is powerless and will wither with out being embraced by an active and affective community.

So to repeat it is a technological project, which can only come out of a community project. If we treat it as only one of these (as people commonly do, then neither will work).

Life at London new media and independent broadcasting NUJ

Published Date 10/7/12 6:28 PM

Reflections on looking around the room at the 2012 NUJ DM conference – The union is by far the most democratic I have found, but this democracy is embedded in a deeply ingrained bureaucratic tradition. The is the establishment who have to keep the day to day of the union, there largely invisible agenda is hidden by the need to keep the whole thing running. Then the are a group pushing an agenda that is clearly rejected by the majority of the union that takes up a lot of time, they then feel victimised and build conspiracy around what seams to be mostly inefficiency. If they were building “transparency” I would support them much more actively if they were constructing… The problem is that they criticizes and add bureaucracy to a already over bureaucratic union.

The outcome of all this is much smoke and noise with little accountability, so as a newcomer you are put in the uncomfortable position of largely supporting the powers that be. And the root needs for change and renewal are lost from the conversation and decisions of the union. 

A personal perspective of trade union organising the NUJ DM

Published Date 10/6/12 12:13 AM

Some feeling about my personal experience of old school democratic trade unionism.

Friday Night

Had an interesting, disquieting conversation tonight at a social event after the work of the NUJ delegate meeting. I had been visiting the delegate meeting room every so often to dip in to try and engage with the process, and each time I had failed, due to bad sound, complex and obscure timing, and the opaque and ritualistic language used. Being me I looked around for a space were I could help out and found the students making media about the event – joined in there and worked with different students to make and distribute 6 video reports that day.

Back to the conversation in the bar, the overly serious youthfull man I was talking to, seemed surprised and a bit disapproving of my action. His convincing argument was that I had been mandated and “paid” to participate in the DM process, travel, accommodation and food being covered by the union. Its a strange feeling for a horizontal like me am I obliged to do work through this process?

Am more interested if the traditional union is flexible enough to work with a diversity of strategy as the current one is simply inappropriate for many people’s view of a contemporary union. As I see it my “work” at the DM is to see if I can work in this space and perhaps more importantly can this space work with me and people like me. The old problematic divide between the horizontal and the virticalist, think, the NUJ might be one of the few union’s that has wiggle space, we will see.


I’try again to engage with what am now appreciating is “power politics” the ritualistic fight for notice, resources and power. After a nights sleep, understanding, of my own aversion, and the democratic nature of this anti-consensuses process. Today it is the funding debate, get up early to be there on time, lets try and make it work as good to respect the attempt.

Going better, helps to talk to my fellow delegate sitting next to me. Much of the noise has the flavourer of sectarian infighting. By asking members you CAN find your way around the process. But its a Q. of motivation to engage and stay engaged. Is this the best we can do as the left?

Some half thought through notes for the NUJ delegate meeting

Published Date 10/3/12 10:05 PM

Thinking about the NUJ delegate meeting. We all agree we need a union, but it isn’t obvious what its role is. Used to be about negotiating with the bosses, but now we are all our own bosses so a bit schizophrenic to be negotiating with ourselves. Where are we now?

The digital age is in transition. Many in the new media are working for nothing, for nothing, where we should work for nothing for something. What is the something we should be working for? To repeat as the majority of people in the media (for a while) will be paid nothing would be good if they were working for something to help them be paid something in future.

Huffingtion Post and the Guardians’ comment is free – are not good models for being paid in the future. They are both about investing in somebody else’s brand. Of the two the Guardian is less evil but still evil (in the digital sense) and the huff po has sold out already to AOL?

Where have we come from? With power in a few hands, in the Wapping dispute the industry had the technology and used it to smash the union. Now failing industry is breaking the union, but the difference is we own the technology. Why don’t we use it.? The transition is painful and the outcome is uncertain. With the new media, with everybody becoming their own journalist, the same forces are still struggling for control.

The Murdoch worldview has been internalised by our current traditional media. We are now in the space of the rebirth of gatekeepers in social networks such as Facebook. The new gatekeepers are the algorithms which currently have none of the mythical journalistic values that existed in the late 20th century. If we think of the new digital commons as traditional media, Twitter is like the Guardian, Facebook is like the Times, Youtube is ITV and Vimeo is the BBC.

What is the role of a gatekeeper?

In the 20th century they were the newspaper bosses and their chosen editors. All we had as an alternative media was street-corner leaflets and limited-print-run papers

After the Second World War the old-boys network was progressive. During the 1980’s this progressivity was stifled as we forgot why social democratic polices were enacted in the 20th century.

Anachronisms: the BBC is a media that can theoretically put you in prison if you don’t pay a media tax….what a strange way to fund media! Commercial media is full of advertisements, that interrupt which we are learning more and more not to accept. Currently with modern web browser Firefox 14,052,425 users use adblocker and chrome over 8 million users. None of these 22 millions people even see the ads that media producers hope will keep their empires from crumbling. These are the LIVE reported numbers for two web browsers. The real numbers are much higher.

In the digital transition things change fast. Indymedia was created by open publishing software created in Australia, trialled in the UK at Reclaim The Streets and then came to public attention in Seattle and rapidly spread around the world. Indymedia was unmediated cooperative journalism, and at its core was the idea of self-publishing to a shared open-process space.

Blogging was technology that allowed the flourishing of a more libertarian internet, your own space in the digital commons. But again the libertarian dream was fractured by the technical reality. You still had to be a geek to run your own server so the vast majority of bloggers went the one-click route of corporate hosting. And the rigour of DIY led to the fading of the blogging dream. Where indymedia only needed a minority of people to publish occasionally for it to flourish, blogging needs the constant care of the individual to stay alive.

Social networsk: the introduction by snobbery, to the consuming of the crowd.

The tradition slogan of “United we stand and divided we fall” has been true throughout the digital transition. In indymedia we were united, in blogging divided, etc. myspace came up from the bottom, where facebook came down from the top (Harvard, MIT, the redbricks, regional). myspace was a horizontal mess, facebook a rigid dictatorship.

The future for media sees a wholesale de-professionalisation of media production and distribution. This can actually be a positive. The numbers of full time paid media producers will fall as a proportion by a factor of 100, that is for every person paid to produce, distribute media at the turn of the century, only 1 in 100 will be paid to do it in the future. The logical transition of digitisation will bring a shift from a small elite (paid) minority to a large amorphous (unpaid) majority.

At the moment each website is an island isolated, and what brings them together is corporate search engines, corporate algorithms in social media, and to a lesser extent real people linking real sites. (link to left linking article). What we should be doing is the ethical aggregation of individual bloggers through subject hubs. Then it is up to the audience if they like there news from different algorithms, editorial teams or individuals and we can mix and match so that probably the best outlets will be just this – a genuinely balanced view. And if you are interested in a subject you can find a hub that covers it. From this each person has a voice and the people who write, research, and scoop the best will be seen, but without removing the lesser voices. It will encourage minority voices by giving them their own space. What it does is re-create the internet as a publishing platform. It builds the semantic web ad-hoc, rather than top down. Tthis is the only way anything of value has ever been built on the internet, so let’s get to it.

Am not arguing simplisticallly that the old ways are not important or still appropriate, rather a balance need to be struck that is very different to the balance most professional journalist are currently working with. Its more a question of priority for the limited time and resources we have. At the heart of this argument is the statement: DO IT YOURSELF! It’s a positive statement if you want to be empowered. At the heart of the DIY project is empowering and inspiring people to do things for themselves with out mediation or hierarchy to filter or control them.

Think of Gutenberg and the translation of the Bible into English, of the transition from canals to railways. Technology change is a constant and we are currently going through a digital transition of media, which is an opportunity, as well as a disaster.

The NUJ and Bluesky thinking 2012

Published Date 10/2/12 4:28 PM

My last report on the NUJ conference was Graysky thinking. Lets look for a moment at some Bluesky thinking for the NUJ.

The nutcracker – The union and money

A few blue sky ideas:

* Have a roll out of support the union buttons on members blogs and sites and have the revenue offset the membership fee of that member. This would motivate them to push the buttons into visibility. Self interest and the greater good pushed together.

* Hard one to pull off and would need to be centrally negotiated. Use something like on members story’s in corporate media, get an agreement with publications to do this and do a revenue split with the journalist and the union. 

* Humm… who is going to buy me a beer to come up with more.

Launch a micro-union for citizen journalists, open media people.

* Very low fees

* Self help

* Horizontal web organising

* Open to any one

Technological leadership

At the moment members activity’s are fractured amongst many different websites and corporatist social networks. Everybody knows this is a failed strategy, could the NUJ help to lead the momentum to jumping off this sinking ship?

Use a small amount of its resources to fund a openmedianetwork for the membership. This will provide a bag of tools for members projects.

* use an existing opensource tool such as liferay ( to provide tools to its membership.

* it has OPEN drag and drop working to build websites in hours rather than days or months

* the CMS can host as many websites and user blogs as are needed, it will build a single login in and single activity stream experience out of the box. And is scalable on modest resources.

* it is opendata and open standered so users can leave if they grow beyond its scope or expand functionality as they need.

Portable renewable power technology

Published Date 9/13/12 3:34 PM

“The BioLite CampStove, designed for outdoor adventure and emergency preparedness, makes cooking on wood as clean, safe and easy as petroleum fuels while powering electronics off-grid.”

I love tec like this, clever idea made real BUT it takes around 5 minutes to boil 1 liter of water and and will take something like 3 hours to charge a smart phone by USB, so you need to boil over 30 liters of water to charge one iphone – thats a lot of tea…

Find out more

NUJ Delegate Meeting 2012 Newcastle


The union’s Delegate Meeting (DM 2012) will take place from Friday 5 until Sunday 7 October 2012 in Newcastle.

This is a reaction to the  final agenda  PDF

Thinking about the NUJ delegate meeting. We all agree we need a union, but it isn’t obvious what is its role, used to be about negotiating with the bosses, but now we are all our own bosses so a bit schizophrenic to be negotiating with our selves. Were are we now?

The digital age is in transition. Many in the new media are working for nothing, for nothing, where we should work for nothing for something. What is the something we should be working for? To repeat as the majority of people in the media (for a while) will be paid nothing would be good if they were working for something to help them be paid something in future.  


Over all I feel this DM is full of graysky solutions to the need for blue sky thinking – but better something now than pie in the sky maybe (;


1) performance related pay

* (graysky thinking) this is an attempt to keep “strong connections’ between worker and employer, these are appropriate during the analogue age – were movement was limited and control was strong. In the digital age it is potently the opposite, movement liberated and control limited. We are replacing strong connections with weak connections. But this frees us up to be exploited as much as it frees us up to do what we wont… so think this is needed but shouldn’t be used as an attempt to get back into the trenches.

2) fair pensions

* (graysky thinking) are a way of forcing good action on people and rely on a strong state… do we have a strong state, will we have a strong state – if we don’t/won’t we should re-think this. What dose the world look like with out a strong state?

3) part timers redundancy

* good background action, increasing the cost of redundancy.

4) redress for young journalist in unpaid intern-ships

* trying to use the inertia of the 20th century to shape the 21st century is usefull but not forwarded thinking.

5) unpaid contributors

* 20th century from amateur to professional, 21st century from professional to amateur, general knowledge industry’s are increasingly becoming amateur agen. Forward thinking?


“A positive future for media sees a wholesale de-professionalism of media production and distribution, the numbers of full time paid media producers will fall by a factor of 100, that is for ever person paid to produce, distribute media in the turn of the century only 1 in 100 will be paid to do it in the positive view of the future of media. The logical transition of digitisation will being a shift from a small elite (paid) minority to a large amorphous (unpaid) majority.”


6) introduction of a levy system

* interesting (but old) idea, but can lead to new inefficient bureaucracy, has this worked in the 20th century? needs more research and blue sky thinking.

7) Copyright enforcement

* the spirit of this is “correct” the SOC amendment moves it into the irreverent, this is the big debate which will not happen.

8) moral rights

* fighting against bad contracts is a good thing to do. But the Q is what are “moral rights” in the age of re-mix?

10) privatisation of the assessment of the impact of government proposals

* in general I agree, but feel the current consensus of what needs to be done in the union would lead to the funding being miss-spent? Ideas?

11) opening up academic publishing, while protecting copy editors jobs/role.

* opening is essential, how to fund is a core question.

12) same as 11

13) freelance guide

* good plan, and outreach to wider “amateur content publishers”

14) platform neutral strategy

* working out new working relationships, should be seen for what it is, trying not to hold onto the old when it is blocking is a balance to this…

16) assault by media bosses on jobs and pensions

* fighting against change needs to be balanced with fighting for the better new.

17/18) pay freeze at newsquest

* fighting a rearguard action against profiteering is good but should not be used as an excuse not to ingade with building the new.

22) regional newspapers

* this is very muddled thinking, this is a question of the value of local brands and community traditions – and the lack of value the market places on them.

21) community interest companies

* more to co-operatives? This is a question of new business models?

24) assets of community value

* why not – what are the pro’s and cons?

25) same as 24

26) Future of media in Scotland

* why not, IF the remit is wide anufe.

28) BBC

* The sacred cow of the BBC… and the question of a licence to view news?

30) commercialisation of BBC

* the culling of the sacred cow by 1000 cuts…

31) ITV and regional news

* the motion is a please be nice to use statement – the amendment has teeth.

33) Scotland and STV training

* what are they training them – if its 20th century this is a wasted opportunity.

34) replacing the government

* good rabble rousing stuff (:

36) pickles code

* this is full of contradictions… bureaucracy central media or decentralised citizen media? The union will support the bureaucracy but should we is a real question?

38) convention of human rights

* go for it, a diversity of strategy is a good thing.

40) black workers equality

* OK

41) defend the right to protest

* yep, give um the money?

43) regional pay


44/45) democratise remuneration commits


46/48) healthcare?


49) paid lobbying


20) digital transition (:

* very good and needed – BUT have a strong feeling the people who are pushing this might not be the people who would lead to a useful outcome – need to know more to always this worry.

72) bring diversity into the union

* its what its about – but who is pushing this?

50) internal politics?

* Need to know more

51) equality and women representation in the union


53) to much paperwork?

* Need to know more?

55) photographers representation with in the union

interesting – but photograph as a proffeern is being pushed out of paid work and is likely to be pushed further… need to know for what resion this is being pushed? What outcome?

58/63) ageism

* internal politics? Need to know more

60) ageism

* sounds good, what is the outcome?

65) dead members rights

* interesting, needs clearer proposals

66) internal politics

* maybe, need to know more.

67/68) virtual meetings

* Think this should be rolled out rather than imposed, bring the virtual INTO the physical… see how this works and only then replace if appropriate.

69/88) internal politics


71) electing executive positions

* yep

73/74/77/78/79/80) increase union fees

* need to know more about the options

81) treat unemployed members better?

* need more information

82) using union company’s to travel

* OK need back ground why this is an issue

83) get shares in media company’s to course trouble (:

* like the plan.

84/86/87) longer gap between DM (conference)

* physical meet-ups are good, this is the first one I have been to so will update this.

89) widen membership

* need to know how members feel about this (will update)

90/92) defining membership, kids care or age

* needs thought

95) refuges as members

* seams reasonable?

97) student members not studying journalism can be members

* OK

98) joint union membership

* OK

99) make joining the union easer

* online should be sought

103) training

* this one is vague, glad its put aside?

105) representatives training

* yes…

106/107) expanding the journalist magazine

* depends on what the space is for?

 109/110) leveson enquiry




A political history of the internet

Published Date 8/31/12 2:52 PM
(This is a DRAFT)

This worth reading to go with this view time and libertarean/liberals view of who created the internet

In the 1970s the military looked at a problem – how to keep communication working in an anarchic environment (a nuclear war). Their solution was to work with this environment not work against it. They built an anarchic network – the internet. This network was small and insignificant compared to the traditional centralised networks that existed and continued to grow. Limited Background

In the late 1980s an individual at the anarchicly-organised CERN borrowed an idea that would make it easer to navigate, HTML, the based of the World Wide Web. Few took any notice. Limited Background

In the 1990s people started to build unexpected things with this open network and open standards and surprisingly these things grew and grew… In the end they pushed all the centralised dominate networks to one side where they shrank until they largely disappeared. Thus the single internet as we know it today was born. It was an unplanned birth coming from the DNA of anarchists thinking.

By 2000 the dotcom boom expanded the internet to every corner of the world. It was driven by a very different world view – much like the world view that had built the very networks that the internet had pushed aside so easily. It was an attempt to enclose the new commons, to partition it into walled gardens with gates and ticket desks. But the network that had been set-up to flourish in anarchy and togather with the overlay of open standards of WWW resisted and in the end simply pushed this dotcom boom into a dotcom bust. Limited Background

The internet expanded again, filling up more areas of our lives, and encroaching on our economic system. The network which was created for anarchy and the open standards that embedded anarchy started to touch everything. Our society is based on ever-expanding markets, and the internet was a HUGE market. Increasingly it was replacing existing markets with piracy, which wasn’t a market at all. The internet is a giant copying machine and the copies are practically free. Where markets are based on scarcity, the new digital world, grown from anarchy, was based on abundance. In a world of abundance there is little for the market to buy and sell. Very limited backround and background

Round three of this fight by the old society to grasp control of the new manifested in a much more subtle walling and gatekeeping structure: corporate social networking and the fight against piracy (copying). It was an invisible but relentless push to remove the “disease” of anarchy from the core of the web (and large parts of socierty) and to bring the old order back into control. Today both Twitter (2008) and Facebook (2009) can only survive if they continually grow, and increasingly control the information flows and users access. As they do this the walls and gates that are currently mostly invisible will come more into view. I think the interconnected open web that is the internet would shrug this off as before if this was the only threat it faced. But there’s another side to the attack, the fight against piracy, which is an (largly invisible) fight against the open standards and digital logic of the web. It is leading to new laws that reach into and rend asunder the anarchist internet (the one built to work in the anarchy of nuclear war). It will do this by changing the underlying open standards that the net is built on and by rolling back to the days of the pre-internet, the age of closed intra-nets. Then Gate-keeping will be built into the DNA of this network. And this change will snuff out the anarchy and replace it with bureaucracy. The unintentional (largly unseen) experiment in complete social change will fade and die.

What choice do we have? Now we have many, soon we will have few, and in the end we may have none.

if anyone can help find backup articals to link for this please add them to the comments, thanks.