The #OMN is about building #KISS bootem up trust based media networks for publishing and soughing content with enriched metadata flows. In the end you have a “stupidly simple semantic web of media object “cauldrons” and flows build up from a local level. What you/we do with this is up to the users/producers… this is…
At the #OMN we have a number of #openweb tools for you to use
* A non filter bubble/not tracking search engine * A radical (fluffy/spiky) offline/online TV project * Social media, for fluffy and for spiky. * #indymediaback test servers and and for testing and use. * A code hosting/organizing site * Funding/money And we have chat/wikis, bots and…
Let’s talk about the journalism
How do we move the #indymediaback project forward. let’s start with history. The editorial workflow of #OMN is based on #indymediaback which is based on basic grassroots journalism growing from radical anarchist traditions. The newswire is made up of original content published to the site and aggregated flows from a trust network of #4opens sites…
History’s of #indymedia are full of academic wank
The Problem of Academics Covering Activism, in activism, particularly within grassroots movements like #Indymedia, there is a significant disconnect between academic interpretations and the realities on the ground. This gap is not a matter of perspective but represents a fundamental misunderstanding of the dynamics and operational mechanisms of activist movements. The disconnect, academics gravitate towards…
Churning of pointless tech projects
Almost everything made in alt-radical tech is obviously pointless and only feeds #fahernista churn. Why #indymediaback is not a pointless radical tech project. #nothingnew mediates the churning of pointless tech projects by building things that already work. In the #fedivers we use this tradition to replace existing #dotcons projects as new #openweb projects This replicating…
Rolling out the test #indymediaback projects We have a #activertypub codebase ready for testing, we have two campanes that asked for instances. We have stable hosting paid up for the next few years. What we don’t have is any on the ground outreach/training/networking due the covide shutdown. We have limited tech dev needed to update the code from…
The #openweb is a space for both progressives and reactionary groups
One thing we need to address now in a constructive way is that the right-wing has been better about co-operating around #openweb media than the left-wing for the last 10 years. We have been worse than useless on simple things like linking between radical media projects. The few successfully left media groups have abandoned alt…
We need more crew to make this rollout work
If you would like to help with moving away from this current world/media mess please create an account: this is the organizing space, yes this is to complex and needs to be made simpler and more #KISS but for now it’s what we have and works fine. Have a read through the issues and…
The current mess and the media
You all built the #dotcons that gave him the power… phww… please try to do better next #indymediaback Q. The far right have mastered the internet for recruitment and disinformation, the rest of us are barely in the game, would a completely regulation free internet not benefit them and lead to fascism? If so, how…
Next step in the #OMN
The majority of #mainstreaming #openweb tech projects have the assumption that human nature is a fixed thing and that every project has to be built in reaction to the 40 years of neo-liberal #deathcult that we all live in now as this is the “only” human nature visible. They completely miss/ignorer the social nature of…