Tech governance projects miss the mark

Tech governance projects miss the mark because they fail to engage with the real needs and experiences of grassroots activists and community building. This disconnect stems from the entrenched dynamics of the #geekproblem, which prioritize control and certainty over messy collaboration and understanding. The problem is exacerbated by the detachment of the “professional” #NGO crew,…

Revisiting the ActivityPub foundation idea

There are a few views on this issue, the “common sense” #NGO path, an example Presenting Fedi Foundation: Empowerment for SocialHub community 1 And the more “nativist” openweb path What would a fediverse “governance” body look like? And then we have the #geekproblem path, which has been pushing the fep process the last 2 years,…

The Rise and Fall of Grassroots #openweb Activism in the UK

Grassroots activism has undergone significant ups and downs over the past four decades, particularly within digital communication and organizing. This post seeks to provide an overview of the challenges and successes experienced by grassroots activists during this time period, focusing on the evolution of the #openweb and its eventual decline. It explores the ideological underpinnings…

Women & Online Television in Senegal – Screening of Mistress of a Married Man + Q&A with director Kalista Sy

St John’s Cinema Club and the TORCH African Languages, Literatures and Cultures Network are excited to welcome Senegalese online television series screenwriter, director and producer Kalista Sy. The event will start with a brief introduction by Dr Estrella Sendra (Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries at King’s College London), followed by the screening of…

Nurturing the True Potential of the Fediverse: A Socio-Political Roadmap

The #fediverse, with its promise of decentralized social networking and democratic governance, stands as a light of hope for a native #openweb. However, as it navigates the terrain of politics, technology, and human behaviour, it faces challenges that threaten to undermine its #4opens civic potential. In this post, we delve into these challenges and explore…

The influence of NGOs in social activism raises concerns

In an era dominated by centralized #dotcons platforms and gatekeepers, the #openweb represents a beacon of hope for progressive society. Rooted in the #4opens principles of decentralization, open standards, and inclusivity, the openweb fosters a progressive culture In contrast, the rise of #NGO #slacktivism and the influence of NGOs culture highlight the limitations of centralized…

Branding, addressing this issue

The issue of branding in the #openweb and #fediverse is multifaceted and touches on both technical and social aspects. Why addressing this issue is crucial: To address these challenges, it’s important to shift the focus from strong project branding to instance branding to empower communities to make their own #openweb spaces for collaboration and collective…

A pragmatic approach to #openweb security

Challenging the Universal Mandate of SSL: A Critique from the #OpenWeb In the digital landscape, the ubiquitous presence of #SSL encryption, while undoubtedly enhancing security, raises questions about its compatibility with the ethos of the #OpenWeb. The prevailing narrative around SSL overlooks its ideological underpinnings and the broader implications of its universal adoption. This article…

Composting the mess with the #OMN

The growth of technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. However, as we dive deeper into the digital age, we are confronted with the alarming consequences of our reliance on these technologies. The links shed light on the issue of “digital” waste and its detrimental impact on the environment. Gerry McGovern’s article…

The problem with #openweb funding and the tools people use

#NGO Internet funding organizations often use #closedweb tools despite their stated commitment to openness and the Digital Commons. Some of these reasons: * Familiarity and Convenience: Many funding organizations and their staff are accustomed to using closed tools due to their prevalence in the industry. This is a non “native” aproch * Security Concerns: Closed…