How you use the #4opens

The #4opens is a path to evaluate the value and openness of alternative or grassroots technology projects. A way to promote transparency, accessibility, and collaboration on the path to of alternatives to #mainstreaming, closed systems. It stands in contrast to #dotcons projects that hoard closed and monetize data. By adhering to these principles, projects offer…

The blindness of fluffy and spiky liberals

The last 40 years of social and environmental mismanagement have brought us the onrushing disaster of #climatechaos and social break down. This situation highlights a troubling reality about society. On one side, we have the powerful and fundamental evil hard right anti #mainstreaming entities responsible for the harm. On the other side, there’s a small…

Building a “nativist” humanistic societies

We need to move away from the #mainstreaming mess because the current political and economic systems actively push the mess, while also avoiding dealing with any of the root causes of the problems they create by the mess they make. For decades, all our politicians support endless wars, military interventions, and the militarization of police…

Tension in contemporary politics

In the #liberal approach to politics and economic systems, they have an ambition to save the world, they champion progressive causes such as climate change mitigation, social justice, and human rights. Their strategy to mediate the current mess involves leveraging the existing political and economic systems to achieve these goals, believing that reforms lead to…

How did we get into such a mess?

The mess is a result of the socioeconomic outcome of the widespread adoption of #neoliberal policies and ideology. Neoliberal theorists like Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman developed and promoted the ideas, emphasizing competition and market-based solutions to social and economic problems. Politicians like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan implemented neoliberal policies on a large scale,…

The mess we have made #mainstreaming postmodernism

A complex philosophical and cultural movement of the mid to late 20th century. At its core is a rejection of objective values and beliefs, scepticism towards the idea of absolute truth, and a distrust of grand narratives. Let’s have a brief look at this and Noam Chomsky view of why this movement is still pushing…

#TED – A Community of Delusions

For millennials lost after the mess of 9/11, the wars, economic upheaval, digital division, and social atomization, #TED was an appealing #mainstreaming alternate vision—of a society where ideas had currency, and a wider group of people could identify with the intellectual vanguard. This vision was delusion, but it easily overtook the norms of drift and…

Working with neo hippies for 20 years, they are now #mainstreaming

It’s not that weird to see billionaires sitting in luxurious ayahuasca ceremonies (facilitated by neocolonial white guys) to do “personal development” instead of funding the actual regenerative movement that we all obviously need. This social conditioning runs deep, during the “Dark Ages,” this was a story of the church. Today, it is media, algorithms, influencers,…


A rich tapestry of reflections, critiques, and ideas centred around technology, media, activism, and society. This is what you make of it, thought-provoking, the intersections of technology, society, and activism. A personal journal and a platform for broader discussions, the blog reflects a deep engagement with grassroots media, #4opens technology, and the mess we make…