“But the principal objection will doubtless refer to the plain language used. My excuse, if indeed excuse be needed for saying just what I mean, is, that it is impossible to clothe in delicate terms the intolerable nastiness which I expose, and at the same time to press the truth home to those who are…
Navigating the Trolls
There is a shifting of social and political paths underway, we will have a move to the left or the right, the centre path has made itself irrelevant through, not having any valid path to mediate, growing social divisions and ecological breakdown. On the left in our efforts to find meaningful change, we often encounter…
Linking on the #OpenWeb: Why It Matters
The concept of linking is fundamental to the structure and philosophy of the web. Links are not simply a technical feature; they are the social connective tissue of the internet of people, enabling decentralized and interconnected paths where information is shared and accessed. However, as centralized platforms, the #dotcons, gained dominance, the social art and…
Breaking the circle of #stupidindividualism
One thing, we need to say more is that the right-wing nutters have no brains as conservatism is about not being open to different paths. Our #mainstreaming #fashionistas currently go along with this mess, as the dominant thinking is #stupidindividualism with more “stupid” than individualism in the balance. The problem with conservatism and mainstream conformity,…
The Importance of Words and Ideology
Words shape our thoughts, and common understandings of these words are essential for coherent and effective communication. Ideologies form the basis of all thinking, whether unspoken and #mainstreaming or articulated and still minority. The challenge is to transition minority ideologies to the mainstreaming paths. The Plan: Using Common Hashtags and Syndication To achieve this transition,…
The Solution: Embrace the #4opens
We can’t keep repeating the same #TechShit over and over again. #TechCurn is a dead end.The #OMN is the only positive path I know forward. #Mainstreaming #fashernistas are dangerously consumptive. Our alt #fashernistas are utterly pointless. We need to disrupt social norms and make #4opens fashionable to salvage any value from these people and pull…
#TED – A Community of Delusions
For millennials lost after the mess of 9/11, the wars, economic upheaval, digital division, and social atomization, #TED was an appealing #mainstreaming alternate vision—of a society where ideas had currency, and a wider group of people could identify with the intellectual vanguard. This vision was delusion, but it easily overtook the norms of drift and…
Contrasting Balkan utopias: Navigating migration and futurity in the physical remnants of Yugoslavia
“Irregular” #migrants moving along the Western #Balkan Migration Route aspire to competing visions of Europe, and Europeanness, and along their journeys they encounter multiple competing, overlapping, or intersecting political projects. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in #Slovenia since 2021, this presentation will explore how various imaginaries of Europe are instantiated in the wake of Yugoslav socialism,…
A tech story
In the #openweb of digital innovation, there is a culture revered for its ingenuity and technical prowess – the hackers of old. Yet, beneath the surface of their achievements lay a problem, one that has led to the downfall of many endeavours: the #geekproblem. In the early days, hackers were pioneers, pushing the boundaries of…
Why worry about fashionistas in activism
The problem of #fashionistas in activism is the priority of style and appearance over substance and meaningful action. These people are concerned with projecting a certain image or brand of activism, rather than engaging in the effect of social change. The phenomenon of #fashionistas in activism poses challenges to the efficacy and integrity of grassroots…
How to fix the damage to the #openweb from the influx of #mainstreaming funding
The issue around funding and its impact on grassroots and radical projects. The balance between maintaining integrity and openness while navigating external funding is a difficult one. The #4opens provide a guiding framework, but the challenge remains to implement these in ways that avoid the corruption and failure which is normal for the #NGO funding…
Capitalism is now visibly a #deathcult its basic stuff
Reminder: Climate Change Was No Accident As far back as 1982, fossil fuel executives knew they were trading a few… Q. I notice you have used the #deathcult hashtag a few times recently on posts about capitalism, neo-liberalism and green consumerism, so I thought I would look it up. Wikipedia says that Death Cult may…