The #visionontv project is a part of the Open Media Network (#OMN), which is a grassroots initiative to create a decentralized and federated network of media platforms that share common values and principles. Create an internet distribution channel for alternative news, covering topics such as social movements, environmental issues, human rights and more. The project…
What is my website for my website, a filmmaker and activist who is interested in horizontal socialist economics and #openmedia projects. Showcases work and ideas as well as videos and campaigns. Am a part of the Open Media Network (#OMN), a grassroots initiative to nurture a #4opens decentralized and federated network of media platforms that share common #PGA values…
What is the #openweb
While the commercial web is dominated by large corporations, the #dotcons are what most people are familiar with, there is another side to the internet – the #openweb. In this article, we will explore what the #openweb is and why it matters. The #openweb refers to the part of the internet that is not owned…
The solution to the #geekproblem
One of the ways the world of technology is in a mess is due to the problem with institution’s limited funding of the social side of #openweb. Unfortunately, much of the funding that is given ends up feeding parasitic NGOs, which does little to nothing to solve the problems. The existing funding for functional coding…
Keep building a better world, one link, one line of code at a time
Once upon a time, in a world dominated by the #dotcons, closed-source technology and centralized decision-making, a small group of passionate activists and developers came together to reboot an old way of building technology. They believed that technology should serve the needs of people, not just the interests of big corporations and governments. They called…
Liberal trolls – are often not WHO they think they are
DRAFT to be edited It’s hard to get a thried out of mastodon, hopeful this is in the right order and not missing bits. As usually, if you would like to be anonymous with no linking please say so, thanks. Made a blog post, if you reply your text might be added to…
This was the thinking of the #OMN project ten years ago
This was the thinking of the #OMN project ten years ago: The proposed project is to reboot basic web tools and turn existing silos and portals into a network where data flows between different sites. The technology used will be #RSS and its lesser-known counterparts, allowing sites to link to each other and content to…
Talking about grassroots media as a step away from the current #techshit
Hamish Campbell, a veteran in radical media for the past 30 years, discusses the failure of current technology and mainstream culture. He highlights how the #dotcon boom commodified our data, resulting in closed technology silos like #Facebook and #Instagram that capture our attention and data for their own profit. Campbell argues that alternative technology built…
A simple view of the #OMN project
The Open Media Network (#OMN) is a simple project that focuses on building trust-based human networks using technology. The network allows users to publish, subscribe, moderate, rollback, and edit content on various sites they have a login on. For a single user, the process begins with publishing content and adding metadata such as tags. If…
A look at the recent history of radical grassroots activism
#ClimateCamp was a radical grassroots direct action movement to directly challenge #climatechaos and raise awareness about climate change and advocate for solutions to mitigate its effects. The movement was made up of a loosely organized network of activists who used a diversity of tactics to achieve their goals. Climate Camps were established in many countries.…
The #OMN is about creating horizontal scaling of social power
The #OMN approach is to focus on building practical tools and solutions that are grounded in real-world experience and that can be adopted by grassroots activists and communities. The goal is to empower individuals and groups to take control of their own media and communication channels, and to build a decentralized and autonomous network that…
What is the #OGB
The process is meant to be messy, and there are no set laws or statutes, but instead a growing body of mythos and traditions that people can reference when making decisions. The model also includes the power of recall for both “The Voices” and “The Body” to ensure accountability and maintain trust within the community.…