Recognizing the cracks in the current path

This is an overview, the path we need to try is to focus on #commons and #cooperation for building tools and communities, to use these tools to challenge the current structures of power. This is a very different path than the #stupidindividualism (as some people say #hyperindividualism) of the current capitalist path. The way isn’t…

Post-Modernism Influence on Social Movements

Leaving the fig leave of dead philosophies covering #liberalism and #neoliberalism, gives cover to continue ideological works, this mess masks and hides insidious agendas. By removing these fig leaves, we can see, understand and dismantle the mechanisms of power they obscure. I have talked about this, a lot, let’s try one more time. The lingering…

#SSB splintering a “commons”

Another link that is pure #geekproblem but interesting for #OMN in that #SSB is splintering @rabble is involved in another splinter #nosta How protocols die… #SSB was a protocol that they all reallyed round, a “commons”, we now have 3 “commons” on the table. The rabble one which has hidden #VC money behind it,…

Alternative grassroots cultures fail for obvious reasons

Alternative grassroots cultures fail for obvious reasons include lack of resources, limited interest, conflicting #ideologies in the group, difficulty in maintaining momentum and attracting new participants, and difficulty in sustaining community infrastructure. Grassroots cultures also face external challenges, such as opposition from #mainstreaming cultural institutions and power, as well as regulatory and legal attacks. The…

What do you mean by “mainstreaming”

Q. what do you mean by “mainstreaming”. A. we all worship the #deathcult (neo-liberalism) in polatics, economics, most of the food we eat, our jobs and social lives are all mediated/mostly created by this invisible world-view. In progressive terms #mainstreaming is pushing this agender to build carriears and social structures to further the personal #stupidindividualism…