Published Date 1/30/17 11:25 AM Am thinking trust needs to be brought back into media. We have been trained like Pavlov dogs to push out stuff on the #dotcons as articles catch our fleeting interest. The are so many agendas pushing news – who is pushing it becomes as important as whats in it. We…
OMN and publishing on smart phones
Published Date 1/12/17 7:10 PM Its interesting for a moment to look at the potential affect on radical media phone apps of the OMN. Native “publish” from your phone “share this” to any node of the OMN and to many individual sites/blogs will work “out of the box” on any smart phone app that implements…
Trump was chosen and elected by this internet web and more will grow from the dotcons
Published Date 12/15/16 5:05 PM draft The internet has “grown” mind/s of its own. This is a convoluted sketch outline of a core tech/social issue. in the #dotcons Neo Liberalism “free trade” is baked into our dominant online infrastructure, in this it flows freely though society perverting and sickening as it touches. Everything the #dotcons…
The world is open for change
* Old paths have visibley vanished* People are up for doing things different* Funders are up for funding different* The new “commons” is infernat and as much as the #dotcons grab the is more.* Socerty is being #reboot ‘ed (trump, brixet etc.)* Our planet is likely to #reboot with out us (climate change) We don’t…
Looking at the tech and organising of UK alt grassroots media
How meany sites link to another alt/grassroots media sits. From this list of 38 UK sites, only 2 link to another site. Many people find it hard to understand the underlining understandings that push projects based on flow and linking, such as #OMN and #openweb. Here is a short list of activism projects. Silo Is…
Rebooting the open web
Published Date 9/20/16 2:42 PM The OMN is based on a simple understanding that the last 10 years have been wasted on #dotcoms and #encryptionists delusions. In this NGO’s, activists and at-geeks have wasted the open webs potential to shift society to a more humain path. To move beyond this decaying circle we need…
Alt media
Published Date 6/8/16 6:19 PM Where is alt-media and what are the issues in geek culture that stop it from having much effect. There is no active working alt-tech and the open web that would be shaped by this open alt-tech is withering under the #dotcon push to enclose. * 98.9% of alt-tech projects are…
Is client server p2p torrent infrastructure failing
Published Date 3/29/16 1:22 PM There are lots of sites down, lots of fake files etc. A colleague Richard Hering has posted a number of music videos to YouTube. As these contain a synchronised score of complex music, they have unique educational value. Sony recently blocked a number of these in no less than 244…