A conversation about money and the #openweb

A conversation with the #NGO side of social technology: A. Just booked my place for ePIC next month in Lille. It’ll be my first time on the Eurostar! https://epic.openrecognition.org A decade ago, it was the first conference I went to as Mozilla’s Badges & Skills lead. Time flies. #OpenBadges #VerifiableCredentials #ePortfolios #conference #travel Q. these…

Ask the question of what needs fixing.

Open-Source Security: How Digital Infrastructure Is Built on a House of Cards – Lawfare” https://www.lawfareblog.com/open-source-security-how-digital-infrastructure-built-house-cards Can you see the underlining problem assumptions in this #mainstreaming agenda? Pushing ideas to “protect the commons” almost always ends up distorting the commons, there is a history in nature to this. As the article says in a round about…

Stepping away from our tech mess – you need to compost it

It’s good that people try not to push pointless tech projects… And the majority of new tech projects are obviously pointless. To get an idea of what to push do a #4opens review and publish this, let’s build a community of useful tech together. We need to do better. #techchurn has made so much #techshit…

Dogmatic liberalism and the geek

Good to look at data and metadata for what it is, social glue that holds society together. Our #deathcult worship separates and atomise people, as does privacy and security coded by the #geekproblem Take a moment to step back, our contemporary coding is shaping https://www.britannica.com/topic/liberalism It’s obviously true that society/ecology is sick from this blinded…

Impressions of boating life in London after being back on the lea for a month

A. Getting across the channel was an adventure https://youtu.be/gHpyuw8evBM Now am starting to get impotently angry with the London boating community as it’s just not here any more and the boats are all full of fearfull hipsters. Kinda expected this but still kinda annoying. Way to meany “boaters” doing crap mooring and leaving piles of…

Talking about the #geekproblem in relation to #peertube

A. Activist video https://visionon.tv/videos/local?sort=-trending&allVideos=true&c=true&s=3 on the #Fediverse Q. Says I need to log into an account to view the video. A. that’s not good, was just impressed with the custom views in the updated #peertube, so maybe you need to be logged in to see them that’s bad #geekproblem maybe? Q. > #geekproblem maybe?

The first part is about democracy, the second part is hard politics, and is more nasty.

The #fedivers was booted up on grassroot #openweb passion and crowed funding, it was sustained in the early growth by crowed funding and expanded (in an often not helpful way) by #geekproblem passion. Over the last 2 years we have seen this shift sharply to “institutional” funding, some of this has been behind the seanes…

lets flot a look at curuption in the #EU funding DRAFT

Think this is too strong a stick to wave around now, but it might be needed down the line. Let’s look at ideas for rooting out/mediating the corruption in the #EU Some examples from a resent #EU #NGI meeting https://www.ngi.eu/event/next-generation-internet-ngi-next-steps/?instance_id=573 you can document the same behaver at most meetings. Example, a horizontal public BBB video…