Some Hashtags

The #nothingnew hashtag is a simple #KISS project of rejecting the common sense neoliberalism and postmodernism of the last 40 years to reboot social change/challenge from the original modernist path to then build #somethingnew The #geekproblem hashtag is a complex view of the other hashtags. In this, we need to take the “problem” out of…

An activist history of the web

The “better” #closedweb (ISP intranets) was “surprisingly” destroyed by the “inferer” #openweb, which then exploded in use to spread everywhere. The #mainstreaming thinking then tried and failed to recapture this #4opens project for ten years as it takes up global space, and was a real challenge change, that the “common sense” said should not exist.…

Doing the same thing in the same context and expecting different results is one of the clinical definitions of insanity

Q. Doing the same thing in the same context and expecting different results is one of the clinical definitions of insanity. šŸ˜€ A. That is EXACTLY the #mainstreaming problem the #hashtages are about, well said. If it’s not different, it’s not working #nothingnew WE have solved this problem in the past but have not had…

People BLOCKING the needed process, or more normally simply ignore it.

If you keep doing the same thing, there will be the same outcome. Different world views have different process and sometimes different outcomes. All the #OMN projects are based on a different world view that we know can work to build “society” with scaling limitations and combining this with using #openweb tech that we know…

#mainstreaming is obviously a #deathcult we do need to keep saying this

#mainstreaming is obviously a #deathcult we do need to keep saying this. There are well document alt’s that I push with every use of the hashtags #OGB #OMN #4opens etc. The problem we way too often face is people wanking liberal “common sense” in the era of the #deathcult so need to make this point…

A sordid story of fear and punishment, and a path to walk away from this

ā€œIt is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness.ā€ People are shaped by the ā€œdominant social thinkingā€ this should not be a radical thing to say as its obverses. People survive by deigning this, blinded to this obverse thinking. To stay blind,…