
Without a wider “ideological” world-view, you have no place to step away from your past mistakes. Everyone needs to look at the world from differing perspectives. The current neoliberal dogma in all its different fashionable clothes is just that, a failed dogma that we clearly need to step away from. The world can be different,…

What is the OMN

The #OMN its a anything in and anything out – mediated by trust database/network. It’s up to “commernerty” what they do with this and up to the individuals what commerty they choose or if a bit geeky can be an individual. it’s just soup (data soup) of course my project is to build a media/news…

Lets look at one of the new semi open #dotcons – The #4opens: Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project. Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work. * hard to say, I think all the limited user data it collects will be sold for profit, it’s the business…

Looking at 4opens projects – totalisam The #4opens Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project. Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work. Yes. Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The…