How you use the #4opens

The #4opens is a path to evaluate the value and openness of alternative or grassroots technology projects. A way to promote transparency, accessibility, and collaboration on the path to of alternatives to #mainstreaming, closed systems. It stands in contrast to #dotcons projects that hoard closed and monetize data. By adhering to these principles, projects offer…

When did Christians start doing the opposite of what Christ taught?

The issue here is recognizing that Christianity, like all major religions, has evolved over centuries, shaped by social, political, and cultural contexts. Early #Christians faced persecution and were marginalized groups. Their practices were aligned with the teachings of #Jesus, focusing on community, charity, and non-violence. Though, even in these early years, there were conflicts and…

#dotcons push consumerism as propaganda

In the United States, propaganda is intertwined with consumerism. Edward Bernays working in the US is the father of modern propaganda, he believed that humans were driven by instincts and animal desires. His work was used to harness these instincts through advertisements (propaganda) to create inner desires within people, to feed consumerism, which corporations could…

The blindness of fluffy and spiky liberals

The last 40 years of social and environmental mismanagement have brought us the onrushing disaster of #climatechaos and social break down. This situation highlights a troubling reality about society. On one side, we have the powerful and fundamental evil hard right anti #mainstreaming entities responsible for the harm. On the other side, there’s a small…

Woking for the “man” is not voluntary

Let’s look at another issue that for meany people is hidden by “common sense” in our daily #deathcult worship. That wage labour is not voluntary and limits freedom, workers are forced to sell their labour due to lack of alternatives for basic survival. The ability to choose between employers does not equate to freedom in…

Understanding Anarchism

As I said before, anarchism is the most “native” philosophy for the #openweb, a #FOSS network free from hierarchical structures and state authority, based on self-management, voluntary cooperation, and mutual aid. With this in mind, let’s look at what anarchist think: Clement Duval “Anarchy is the negation of all authority” anarchism’s core principle of rejecting…

Building a “nativist” humanistic societies

We need to move away from the #mainstreaming mess because the current political and economic systems actively push the mess, while also avoiding dealing with any of the root causes of the problems they create by the mess they make. For decades, all our politicians support endless wars, military interventions, and the militarization of police…

Tension in contemporary politics

In the #liberal approach to politics and economic systems, they have an ambition to save the world, they champion progressive causes such as climate change mitigation, social justice, and human rights. Their strategy to mediate the current mess involves leveraging the existing political and economic systems to achieve these goals, believing that reforms lead to…

How did we get into such a mess?

The mess is a result of the socioeconomic outcome of the widespread adoption of #neoliberal policies and ideology. Neoliberal theorists like Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman developed and promoted the ideas, emphasizing competition and market-based solutions to social and economic problems. Politicians like Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan implemented neoliberal policies on a large scale,…

What works?

What works in the rise of social justice movements and grassroots mobilization. Movements start at the local level, driven by people and groups who are directly affected by social injustices and are motivated to bring about change. For technology to be of use to build these out wider, we need to foster the importance of…