A radical view of the Palestine

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is messy and complex. Let’s look at this from a radical perspective, where it is seen as a struggle against settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, with ongoing systemic injustice. The Radical View of the Palestine Story Key Points of Advocacy Conclusion The radical view of the Palestine story emphasizes the…

Why We Need the Open Media Network (#OMN)

The Challenge of Mainstream Media #Mainstreaming media is dominated by establishment interests that have perfected the art of propaganda. This media landscape is highly effective at brainwashing the public, making it difficult to foster a social and political change and challenge. Without altering this media ecology, progressive movements stand little chance against the overwhelming influence…

Why Mainstreaming Politics is Crap

Today’s left-wing politics, represented by figures like Biden, Stammer and Macron, has devolved into a form of centrism that tries to balance market interests with bureaucratic oversight. This blend results in policies that are neither here nor there, failing to inspire or facilitate any genuine change or challenge. The only real appeal of this kind…

General elections are a travesty of democracy

The need for the #OGB (Open Governance Body) stems from a growing recognition of the limitations of traditional democratic systems, as highlighted in a recent article by The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/06/general-elections-democracy-lottery-representation Progressive movements are increasingly advocating for alternatives, and the #OGB represents one such initiative within the #openweb community. The article argues that general elections result…

Contrasting Balkan utopias: Navigating migration and futurity in the physical remnants of Yugoslavia

“Irregular” #migrants moving along the Western #Balkan Migration Route aspire to competing visions of Europe, and Europeanness, and along their journeys they encounter multiple competing, overlapping, or intersecting political projects. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in #Slovenia since 2021, this presentation will explore how various imaginaries of Europe are instantiated in the wake of Yugoslav socialism,…

A tech story

In the #openweb world of digital innovation, there existed a culture revered for its ingenuity and technical prowess – the hackers of old. Yet, beneath the surface of their achievements lay a problem, one that has led to the downfall of many endeavours: the #geekproblem. In the early days, hackers were pioneers, pushing the boundaries…

Understanding #OMN and the #GeekProblem

Using the #OMN hashtag story to address the challenges and opportunities in the tech world, particularly in mediating the #geekproblem, involves leveraging the power of storytelling, community engagement, and strategic advocacy. In the #geekproblem, there are two distinct paths. One path leads to the geeks who won’t code for changing human nature; they are consumed…

Addressing climatechaos requires a radical approach

The climate crisis and its broader implications: Understanding the Crisis Soft Problem: Infrastructure Response To address the primary effects of climate change, we need to: Hard Problem: State Stability and Security Addressing the secondary effects involves: Accountability and Legal Action Prosecuting individuals or groups for their direct roles in the climate crisis involves several considerations:…