
How to leave the #dotcons

Ok you create a account here this will put you into a small actavists community that is connected to over a million mostly normal and some weard people spread over thousands of servers. You can now fallow and talk to anyone on the network and they can fallow you.

This will give you a good desktop ui

For mobile install this and add the account you setup on to get a good mobile expirence.

Dont know best apple apps but the are a few

Next stage you need to find 20 or more people to fallow. You can do this by useing the search and hashtags. And/Or the are some lists here of intresting people. Remember you need to fallow 20 or more people for the system to start to work

Then post a intro, use hashtags etc.

Make the effort to talk to people on the network you will likely not know any of them so its like going to a strangers party. But its a fab party when you warm up and build some connections.

Keep posting each day, comment on others posts. The social flow after a while will become self sustaining. Keep your failbook account active at the same time, start to offer a helping hand to your #dotcons friends to take the step, then spend the time introducing them to your #openweb network.

You have stepped away to the openweb.


Talking about rebooting openweb media

Its too easey to talk cross purpose about actavisam, media and tech if the is any understaning at all most are talking about the end of indymedia and what came after, am talking about the start of indymedia and what came before. A simple misunderstanding that is surprising hard to bridge. There are now millions of normal non geek people using everyday the tech am surgesting, the UI works fine, the apps are good for a phone experience. What am talking about is already a success… just activists are stuck.

The has been a #block on radical tec for the last 10 years. As most actavisam was in with the #encryptionists which is a 10% project only if they overcome the #geekproblem if they don’t its just a wasteland. No wonder people flocked to the lonely #dotcons. Open/closed is a 90/10% split… not a 10/90% split. This the the difference between the start and end of the indymedia project.

Its a process, as we are on #failbook the #hashtags will not get outside to the #openweb. But they will to a limited extent bypass the algorithm and give you a wider view inside facebook. The power comes from useing them in openweb projects and searches. This gives power to organise alongside and outside the #dotcons

Tagging is at the hart of the bottom up approach the #OMN takes. So think of hashtags use inside the dotcons as a small help and a first big stepaway. Of course if you never take the effort to stepaway then its just a small help and kinda pointless.

The is a pessimism in defeat.

Talking about the possibility of rebooting our own media.

Lets rearly focus, when most people talk about our own media. They mostly talk about the closed/bureaucratic indymedia. When i talk about the open/serendipity indymedia. Lets be positive and try and bridge these views.

The #hashtags are a part of the open process. You can see the whole working of the network, ie its open not closed.

Yes i understand the desire for closed, i see this desire destroy left and right. Yes closed is obviously the way to destroy society and the natural environment. Yes closed is better, not.

Its a simple story.

Idea to escape the media manipulation that puts Trump and Johnson into power and will keep doing this as its the business models of #dotcons and #tredtionalmedia Were are the tools to organize. Am asking a simple question and giving a simple sulution #DIY with as strong a protection against #fashernistas cooption and #geekproblem irrelevance.

The name Open media network (#OMN) as its name implies is about building and holding bridges across the ghettos.

Please ignore all the crap that will be flying about and do something simple and positive.

A bit of history: Do you remember the early open process #indymedia before it died as closed and bureaucratic. It was not a ghetto and helped to shape #traditionalmedia narrative. If leftwing/anarchists history teaches anything usefull power is all about organization self or top down… what tools do we have to organize if the answer is non then we have no power just bubbles… kinda what today tells us. Learn the wrong thing and the next 5 years are lost.

Well that did not go well, were next?

Negative or Positive

Do we have the power and will to choice?

#OMN is a needed first step if you have power and will to overcome your digital addictions.

More ideas? We have 5 years of empty political space, filling this time with negative will be a waste. Who is up for building posative DIY, increasing the commons were we have the power to do this outside the electoral mainstream.

Have you taken a caring step to the #openweb have you stayed in the #dotcons to offer a helping hand to others? The answer to these questions likely sits uneasily with you, it does with meany.

Take the time to outreach your friends onto #openweb media projects is a basic step. if you try this one then you should take the time and effort to find 20 new to you people to follow otherwise it will not work. There are NO addiction algorithms on the #openweb projects so will only work if you make it work. Gather the people like you outside the #dotcons is a good first step.

If the election is a disaster over the next few days this is directly connected to your use of the #dotcons as your media source. This with the billionaire #traditionalmedia is pushing social control of the #deathcult over us all.

You have had plenty of time and opportunity to reboot the #openweb as your source of news. That you have not lifted a finger to do this is your own responsibility.

Of course maybe it will not be a disaster, as it clearly should not be. Cross fingers and get out into the streets to knock doors.

Take the step today #OMN

This election is human being vs the mashine, Labour supporters knocking doors vs dark targeted negatively adverts on Facebook.

The labour spending, much less than the tories is positive, in the light. The majority of tory spending, much more, is in the dark targeted by algorithm to swing the marginal, to push the darkness.

The problem we face for a progresive future is that the #dotcons that dominate our media were built to push dark agenders. its a built into their business models, the #deathcult is strong oneline

It’s well past time to step away from this mess #OMN


Lets look at one of the new semi open #dotcons –

The :

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.

* hard to say, I think all the limited user data it collects will be sold for profit, it’s the business model. The code of the product is up on github. Say ½ a open.

Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have isn’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* Yes its based on Chromium and all its modified code is on github i think. Think a 1 open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

* its built on top of a major open source project, supports most openstanderds? 1 open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.

* The development seems to be done in the open on github but the business model is hidden behind the company structure so say ½ a open.

So that’s 3 opens for a silver project

But my wider thoughts:

Looking at the intro page, it looks like they are shifting round the exploitation. “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it” Modern interpretation Of this: #dotcons only shift exploitation to the commons, the point is to challenge exploitation.


The hot air block on social change

In more than 20 years of activism I have seen our use of language fail us. There mainstreaming language, all we have, has no power it is just hot air.

If we are to have hope. We have to reclaim our language, we have to recreate our language. We need to call everyday things by what they are.

#deathcult the neo-liberalism that has ripped our society and ecology apart for the last 40 years. This is inside everything we touch and shapes our thoughts.

* liberalism is seen as a good, it is, the small “neo” is meaningless in our language. #XR has made mainstream that it is about death and despair at an unimaginable scale. A cult? its invisible death that we all share and believe in, the glue that binds us.

#dotcons are the new internet based media companies such as #failbook who are the #deathcult in code and algorithms, all the new economy which shapes us every hour of our lives.

* it took 10 years of fighting against the #openweb for us to accept our digital addictions. We knew that they were cons to make lots of money, what we did not know was that they were about social control.

These new #hashtag words need a growing community to reache a critical mass. Then the door to the mainstreams will open. Until then it is locked and bolted and hot air of our current languages stinks.


Election in Danger

When we do get the General Election we face a crisis that will dwarf #Brexit – the use of target advertising to buy the election. Both Facebook and Google will receive £100’s of millions in political advertising. Neither the mainstream side, or you and me, will see or be aware of this messaging. This money will directly stir up narrow hatred and division. With traditional media pushing right-wing agendas we could well break democratic norms for good. This will happen without you seeing it, but you will likely wake up to the effect on election morning. It’s basic stuff.

Solution: invade and occupy the core corporations’ offices and do not leave until we get them to step away from accepting this money.

To try and stop the disaster for social democracy the next election is likely to be. The action needs to be taken at the roots. Ie. In the soft fluff cores of the #dotcons facebook and google are a start by targeting these you are pulling on a lever that both has an affect and can be changed. Its important to focues and not dissipate focues on A-B marches, media stunts, petitions and appealingly to the mainstream.


A #4opens review of

The :

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.

* there is no way to get your data out or to access the metadata. Its copyright. No open

Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have ain’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* its closed source on the surface, not obvious what is happening under the surface. No open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

* no RSS I can see, its a basic website I think with a forum? No open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.

* it’s a forum so kinda open process but no look at the running of the project. 1/2 open

To sum up, its a project that could be made more if the was a communerty involved. this depends on the guys running it and there tech support being willing and having time to push the project out into the “commons”.

At the moment is a dormant seed #dotcons

1/2 open out of 4 so not a project.


Please remember that just about everything around you is pushing the #deathcult

Please remember before posting liberal stuff that just about everything around you and meany things you think you value are in reality a part of the #deathcult

Neoliberalism that we live and breath is the coureas of our current mess, not Trump or Brexit, they are outcomes. So when you look at any solution is it a “common sense” neoliberal idea or something else? Please think about the #deathcult before you share propaganda on #dotcons



What duse a 4opens world look like

Throwing ideas into the air to see were they land. Lets think of ideas for what a post world looks like in the digital era.

Its a soft move away from capitalism.

* end of money as the motivating factor of exchange. With opendata exchanges can be balanced by open algorithms

* big reductions in inequality due to democratic control of common digital/physical infrastructure.

* as the growth in digital goods the will be ecological outcomes due to the end of consumption as the bases of our economy and human needs.

* more and deeper connections to communertys due to knowingly people better and ease of keeping and building open networks.

* we would have to rethink meany things that now seem to be common sense.

* the idea of privacy has already changed in the #dotcons era. We have no privacy within the corporate structures and the state. This has already happened and is core to the data drivern digital era.

* the is no real legal or technical option to close this so the only option we have is to open this magic meta data bag. This will fundamentally changes our ideas of privacy and rights.

* what would this post capitalist open society look like?


Not much is radical

Putting content into #dotcons is a feed back loop which has marginal (and reducing) affect as for example all your doing is teaching the #failbook algorithms how to sell you and everyone who interacts with your content more “stuff” and in the functionality ideological mind/social control of you and yor community.

Its very easy to have a #flamewar on #failbook as it drives ad views for the #dotcons. If you are progressive you could have a sensibly conversation on the #openweb with a few million other people were human activerty/community not ad driven consumerism is the outcome

The is a fundamental harm as i outline in other replays. Not knowing you are doing harm is no defence. please step away from the #deathcult


What is a hashtag

I use the #deathcult tag to highlight the neo-liberal era of the last 40 years which has left us in this current mess. A cult as few of us inside can see outside “common sense” and death as #XR has made the climate chaos cliff we are facing and billions of deaths visible to the mainstream. Of course neo-liberalism is just an extream form of capitalism we had it before in the UK during the irish potato famine with its millions of deaths and displacements. When people realised the problems mainstream moved to social democracy (soft) capitalism before “forgetting” agen in the late 1970’s. Corbyn and Sanders are trying to move us back to social democracy, which is of course no sulution BUT much better than the current mess. We as radicals need to do better #OMN

My point is that sanders and Corbyn are old mainstream and the current #deathcult are the current mainstream that’s dieing now. Ie we should create real radicalism to make Corbin and Sanders the centrist they actually are if you look back for a moment to the 20th century. We could get some real change then, if we keep them as the “radicals” then the is no future #XR

Calling the current lot a #deathcult is about opening up the space for Corbin and Sanders to be centrists in our minds. No matter what we do the right will be nutters, so not aiming at them with the tags at all.

This applys to everything. So the digital economy are all #dotcons and #failbook with its ownership of whatsapp and Instagram etc. Is the digital leader of the the #deathcult with google and Apple not far behind.

Pushing the dialog is probably the most powerful nonviolent direct action you can do from a armchair or public meeting

Q. The tags my friend are meaningless distracting drivel alas. That allude to something grand. When I click on them sometimes all I see is a list of Hamish posts. They have some utility if they bind peoples posts by theme, which is how they came to be popular on twitter I guess. They are useless when forging ahead one ones own with one’s own invented idiosyncratic tags that just litter ones text with # chars and jargon.

You have great things to say and if you shared them in common English you would reach many more people with them, I assure you.

A. look at the problem I am trying to solve agen. You actually do describe it in your reply but that is as far as your understanding goes in this reply. Note if you would have added a common #hashtag your post WOULD have been added to that hashtag view and the would have been more than my voice. Now keep adding new (common) hashtag users and you get a meaningful conversation and organic spread. When you don’t do this all you have is your #failbook echo chambers. I call this problem #stupidindividualism and it is both #mainstreammedia bad and sad

Note hashtags are comparable across #silos and more importantly on the #openweb get a #hashtag conversation going then do a web search on it to reach outside the #dotcons its very basic stuff.

As an example. The is a opening to #stepaway from the #dotcons here if people desire change. That problem we face is fear and doubt and the widespread use of #FUD