The #mainstreaming of counter-cultures, like #openweb, #Fediverse, and #Mastodon, touch on issues in openweb culture and community sustainability. It should come as no surprise that we need action and community to hold together the culture, values and integrity of openweb digital spaces. Normalization and Dilution of Values: As counter-cultures like the openweb and Fediverse gain…
Tension, Open and Closed Web
From its creation, the growing internet and World Wide Web has been shaped by two competing, often overlapping visions: The Collaborative, #OpenWeb: Rooted in #DNA of internet code and culture, this vision is of a platform for collaboration, sharing, and free exchange of information. Built for use in a world of abundance of information, free…
A Positive View Of Current Trends
The challenges we face today: #climatechaos, inequality, and the social impacts of #dotcons technology are a creating a very real social mess. However, there is a potential for a positive transformation if we push the power of #openweb and #4opens technology and align it with progressive and radical grassroots politics. Addressing Climate Change with Technology…
Why We Need the Open Media Network (#OMN)
The Challenge of Mainstream Media #Mainstreaming media is dominated by establishment interests that have perfected the art of propaganda. This media landscape is highly effective at brainwashing the public, making it difficult to foster a social and political change and challenge. Without altering this media ecology, progressive movements stand little chance against the overwhelming influence…
By embracing projects like the #OGB people have a chance to shape decisions
The current state of our political systems, particularly the electoral process, raises fundamental questions about the nature of democracy and representation. The problem is the system is designed to maintain the supremacy of the powerful, perpetuating conflicts and minimizing real democratic engagement. Elections, rather than fostering democracy, exacerbate divisions and repeatedly fail to address critical…
A European Future
Changing the European Union (#EU) to be more competent and progressive on social and tech issues requires concerted effort and engagement from all the stakeholders, including activists, citizens, civil society organizations (#NGO), policymakers, and Eurocrats. I outline some #fluffy strategies for driving change within the EU: Overall, changing the EU to be more competent and…
A tech story
In the #openweb of digital innovation, there is a culture revered for its ingenuity and technical prowess – the hackers of old. Yet, beneath the surface of their achievements lay a problem, one that has led to the downfall of many endeavours: the #geekproblem. In the early days, hackers were pioneers, pushing the boundaries of…
Understanding #OMN and the #GeekProblem
Using the #OMN hashtag story to address the challenges and opportunities in the tech world, particularly in mediating the #geekproblem, involves leveraging the power of storytelling, community engagement, and strategic advocacy. In the #geekproblem, there are two distinct paths. One path leads to the geeks who won’t code for changing human nature; they are consumed…
#climatechaos requires a radical approach
The Seven Stages of climate denial: 1. It’s not real2. It’s not us3. It’s not that bad4. We have time 5. It’s too expensive to fix6. Here’s a fake solution7. It’s too late: you should have warned us earlier Trolls use all of these stages to deny the reality of #climatechange With this in mind, it’s…
OMN – improving the tech landscape
A “native” path to composting the tech mess lies in understanding and addressing the underlying issues. A breakdown of a social tech path: By delving into these #OMN resources and frameworks, you gain a deeper understanding of the issues and discover pathways toward solutions. Collaborating with others who share goals and values amplifies the impact…
The mess we keep making of #FOSS governance
It’s disheartening to see a community platform like #Trustroots facing challenges with governance, with issues and tensions among its contributors and here This situation is messy and underscores the importance of establishing healthy governance practices within community-driven projects to ensure their long-term sustainability and effectiveness. The case of Trustroots alongside the earlier…