The #geekproblem pushing over #openweb agen The #encryptionists are trying to pushing there flagging project over the healthy #openweb reboot. Q. need a new hashtag? lovers of blockchain (bloccatenaphile?) are a breed unto themselves, and not likely to be as sensible as some those who are in to encryption. how broad is your definition of #encryptionist? A. #encryptionists my “fuckyou”…

Extinction Rebellion outside the filterbubble If you won’t to network about this outside #failbook or We need to reboot our networks outside the #dotcons if they are to speak beyond the #filterbubles to wider society. You can find this wider view by searching on the #openweb #OMN

A look at how technology shapes progressive/radical media-looking forward-looking back

3 events at newspeak house this winter:Session 1) Looking back – how technology shaped the production and distribution of radical/progressive media like #Undercurrents, #Indymedia etc. Session 2) The current day – failure of radical media technology. The rise of the #dotcons and the new alt-media projects. Session 3) Looking forward – The #activetypub meetup. This…

Helping the stepaway from the #dotcons I have 5 working/funded/stable #openweb projects to push this winter to wider ordences. Covering News, Social Media, Video and Search. Be the change you wont to see #stepaway from the #dotcons back to the openweb. #4opens are key for projects to work dont drink to deeply from the #encryptionist stream…

Rainbow gatherings happen far away from Babylon – the problem of #failbook

Rainbow gatherings happen far away from Babylon, this is understood. Yet for the last 10 years they have been increasingly/largely organized on Facebook and its importent to state the obvuse that this is having an affect on the gatherings. Facebook being a #dotcon is full on strong Babylon energy and this energy is overflowing/washing over…

Building alt/grassroots media networks to challenge and widen the traditional media

Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are too limited in their idea of what media could/should be in this the is either a naivety or a dishonesty. The most successful act and think they can be #traditionalmedia” without controlling the distribution of their content in any meaningful way. This is of course not unusual, the…

The Open Media Network (OMN)

“We can’t engage as communities, unless we have money. I can’t even express how angry this makes me.” – an activist group using Facebook. People and organizations who feel this way are the initial targets. is an unfettered space for Activists and groups to communicate and a safe space for Campaigning and NGO…

We need projects like the Media Fund as part of an #openweb echo syteam

Published Date 10/23/17 6:50 PM We need projects like the Media Fund as part of a #openweb echo-syteam. But they need to get a bit upto date to be relevant, currently they are years in the past in their thinking – this is a #fashernista problem that is made worst by funding agenda’s being many…

Offering a real alternative to the dotcons world

Published Date 10/17/17 4:59 PM This is a quite #reboot of the #openweb going on. This #4opens project has nearly 1 million users It’s one of the use it or lose it moments for life outside #failbook. It would be a bad time for progressive funders to start to prop up the #dotcons world…