What did you do in the #dotcons during the climatechoas breakdown

Q. So are you gonna say what you’ve done? I don’t think posting on fb has any affect on the dotcons? The opposite in fact

A. Yep it dose, am doing a stepaway project, a group of us run 5 #openweb servers with a search engine, social network, video hosting, and tools development site/openweb organizing.  You can find links if you look back on me #failbook feed or search the web for OMN might find them.

A. Agen if you look back you will find a very long list of posts inside and outside the #dotcons with information, motivation about the #openweb projects as well as the current mess we face here .

A. If people use the #hashtags as seeds for communitys we could have the start of real radical revolt. If they don’t, more likely, we will have some liberal wank, no meaningful action and the death of billions of people due to this crap behavior and current mess as made clear by the #XR crew. Its a simple message and strategy.

What is the Open Media Network (OMN)

The project is to decisively shift power from the geeks and admins to the producers and consumers of media. In this its about good UI and simple empowering #KISS tools to move content by categorising it with a bootum up folksonermy. This simple approach is balanced by shared site level higher languages for the complex crew.

“This is the Internet”






This Odata is the #OMN project.

People can get involved at a level they feel they can add to the project to reshape there world.

Consuming content

* simply on a portal/app (aggregation top site/app)

* on there own site as a sidebar or page.

* as a part of an admin team on a middle/bootem site


Producing content

* from a feed from there own site or #dotcons account

* writing linking articals as a part of a top/middle/bootm site


Aggravating content

* as a embed on there own site

* on a bootem/middle/top site


For the geeks the project is based on protocols

1) For bringing legacy content in – RSS

2) For talking to the fedivers – Activertypub

3) And for internal working – OData

Lets look at the last:

OData fundamentals (from https://blogs.sap.com/2018/08/20/monday-morning-thoughts-odata)

OData is a protocol and a set of formats. It is strongly resource oriented, as opposed to service oriented. There are a small fixed number of verbs (OData operations) and an infinite set of nouns (resources) upon which the verbs operate. These OData operations map quite cleanly onto the HTTP methods

OData operation HTTP method
C – Create POST
R – Read GET
U – Update PUT
D – Delete DELETE
Q – Query GET


If something is important enough it should be addressable in that elements should have addresses, not hidden behind opaque web services endpoint. In the case of an HTTP protocol like OData, these addresses are URLs. And the shape of the data can be seen in the way those URL addresses are made up.

OData goes back further than you might think, its a grassroots project.

TThe protohistory of OData

OData’s origins go back to 1995, with the advent of the Meta Content Framework (MCF). This was a format that was created by Ramanthan V Guha while working in Apple’s Advanced Technology Group, and its application was in providing structured metadata about websites and other web-based data, providing a machine-readable version of information that humans dealt with.

A few years later in 1999 Dan Libby worked with Guha at Netscape to produce the first version of a format that many of us still remember and perhaps a good portion of us still use, directly or indirectly – RSS. This first version of RSS built on the ideas of MCF and was specifically designed to be able to describe websites and in particular weblog style content – entries that were published over time, entries that had generally had a timestamp, a title, and some content. RSS was originally written to work with Netscape’s “My Netscape Network” – to allow the combination of content from different sources (see Spec: RSS 0.9 (Netscape) for some background). RSS stood then for RDF Site Summary, as it used the Resource Description Framework (RDF) to provide the metadata language itself.

Atom. Like RSS, the key to Atom was the structure with which weblog content was described, and actually the structure was very close indeed to what RSS.

An Atom feed, just like an RSS feed, was made up of some header information describing the weblog in general, and then a series of items representing the weblog posts themselves:


A few years later, in 2005, the Atom format became an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard, specifically RFC 4287, and became known as the Atom Syndication Format:

“Atom is an XML-based document format that describes lists of related information known as “feeds”. Feeds are composed of a number of items, known as “entries”, each with an extensible set of attached metadata. For example, each entry has a title.”

What was magic, though, was that in addition to this format, there was a fledgling protocol that was used to manipulate data described in this format. It was first created to enable remote authoring and maintenance of weblog posts – back in the day some people liked to draft and publish posts in dedicated weblog clients, which then needed to interact with the server that stored and served the weblogs themselves. This protocol was the Atom Publishing Protocol, “AtomPub” or APP for short, and a couple of years later in 2007 this also became an IETF standard, RFC 5023:

“The Atom Publishing Protocol is an application-level protocol for publishing and editing Web Resources using HTTP [RFC2616] and XML 1.0 [REC-xml]. The protocol supports the creation of Web Resources and provides facilities for:

  • Collections: Sets of Resources, which can be retrieved in whole or
    in part.
  • Services: Discovery and description of Collections.
  • Editing: Creating, editing, and deleting Resources.”

Is this starting to sound familiar – OData is exactly this – sets of resources, service discovery, and manipulation of individual entries.

AtomPub and the Atom Syndication Format was adopted by Google in its Google Data (GData) APIs Protocol while this IETF formalisation was going on and the publish/subscribe protocol known as PubSubHubbub (now called WebSub) originally used Atom as a basis. And as we know, Microsoft embraced AtomPub in the year it became an IETF standard and OData was born.

Microsoft released the first three major versions of OData under the Open Specification Promise, and then OData was transferred to the guardianship of the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and the rest is history.

Something that humans could understand, as well as machines. The resource orientation approach has a combination of simplicity, power, utility and beauty that is reflected in (or by) the web as a whole. One could argue that the World Wide Web is the best example of a hugely distributed web service.

OData has constraints that make for consistent and predictable service designs – if you’ve seen one OData service you’ve seen them all. And it passes the tyre-kicking test, in that the tyres are there for you to kick – to explore an OData service using read and query operations all you need is your browser.

Have a quick look at an OData service. The Northwind service maintained by OASIS will do nicely. Have a look at the service document and, say, the Products collection.

Excerpts from the service document and from the Products collection

Notice how rich and present Atom’s ancestry is in OData today. In the service document, entity sets are described as collections, and the Atom standard is referenced directly in the “atom” XML namespace prefix. In the Products entity set, notice that the root XML element is “feed”, an Atom construct (we refer to weblog Atom and RSS “feeds”) and the product entities are “entry” elements, also a direct Atom construct.

Today’s business API interoperability and open standards are built upon a long history of collaboration and invention.

Food for thought #OMN

Nourishment for action

If you are interested in technology and society

Open/closed, a look at the issues in tech

The idea of total control manifested in the master/slave relationship of computers and programmers is a core of geek culture.

  • Open is about attempting to share power in society.
  • Closed is about attempting to block social power.

The #geekproblem at root in our society is about liberalism excepting the division of the state and the citizen, it’s about the liberal ideal of individualism “the is no such thing as society only individuals and there family” though in the case of the #geekproblem it’s just the individual and not so much the family. Our current #geekproblem is a child of Thatcher and Reagan and the #neoliberalism they embedded into our social minds.

It’s interesting to see that the #dotcons (the right) have overcome this #geekproblem and enslaved code, programmers and the network to the control of the capital (and the state) and it’s sad that the left are children in this game.

A way out of this mess is to clearly reject the “closed” ideas in tech and instead re-embrace “open”. Thus unblocking the social flow, what we do with this flow (dangerous stuff) is up to us. We can recognise the danger yes, but to balance that we MUST recognise the disaster we are in now.

“Closed” feeds and re-enforce disaster and in NO WAY helps society to move from this mess #XR

We need flow, not blocking.

It’s simple.

All code is ideology manifested

Q. Some interesting things, mostly the collaborative pad. As I said some time back, this is how I would (obviously) try running this effort – pads not threads.

In terms of general direction, the activitypub etc doesn’t inspire me in terms of rethinking media. I will continue my #postmedia project, which has quite different axioms, and release when ready.

In general I don’t see the linked info neither as theoretically(specs) nor practically(code) strong

A. Diversity of strategy is a good thing but the #geekproblem of everyone doing there own thing is a bad thing – riding the contradictions 🙂

* What’s your argument against activertypub exactly?

* What do you think of rebooting the indymedia project?

One thing I can say the desire to be king is pointless when it fails and dangerous when it rarely succeeds. If this is a main motivation then no good humain outcome is possible. Basic st

A. What is a #postmedia project? it sounds like a alt-right libatrean, which is simply incompatible with social ?

linked info? is being done without coding – it’s a folksonomy. A trust based social project not a technological project. It’s not there on purpose, which is obviously why you cannot find it 🙂

The social nature of the project. Because there is no code as we are simply in every case repurposing existing codebases, existing social relations and existing processes.

it’s an interesting subject.

I am trying to get coders to stop doing pointless/dangerous things with their skills and time. This sums up why i talk a lot about the #geekproblem

* pointless, that’s just about everything they do have always done.

* dangurus, that’s when they push #dotcons and make it work.

Of course this is more complex than it looks, how do you define “useful” we can wank ideology at this point.

Not scaling is a feature not a problem in federated networks

With the shift from silos to federation for our core social infrastructure, we need to rethink the values embedded in the technology we use. The first one to look at is scaling, the whole technical stack/ programming thinking is currently based on this value if you want a definition of a #dotcons, it’s this, it scales to dominate and control the market. With federation, the server software, not scaling, is a needed feature to spread the nodes as widely and richly as possible. Yes the network itself needs to scale, but the individual nodes in the network not scaling is an essential feature not a problem to be overcome. This is counterintuitive to most of our current geek thinking.

A federated network is first a community and secondly a software network designed to nurture this community. If the software dominates and controls the social, you break the federation and end up in the place you are trying to leave, a silo.

Not scaling is a feature, not a problem, in federated networks.

A message for my #dotcons frends

When people deny the history of reposabilerty then they deny reality and join the “post truth world” of Trump and Boris.

The majority of my #failbook friends are both sad and bad on this subject as they don’t remember the times they argued that the #dotcons were not evil and cat memes were the right thing to do as the world heated up and is now catching fire.

A lot of the more tech minded run workshops on campining on #dotcons as our ones healthy #openweb tools were ripped apart by our home grown #geekproblem

You guys need to get busy with spades to compost the shit you spread around in the digital world. And spreading more shit just makes the alt more smelly and uninviteing.

I put up with years of trolling on this subject. it’s a good time to balance this and for the first time in a while do something useful. At some point you have to support a real grassroots media project.


Hope you understand that this is not a #geekproblem project and not pushing #fashernistas agenders and a clear move away from #failbook and the #dotcons in general #OMN

Who is the troll?

On Facebook, you guys all bought into this disaster. Arguing it was the best thing to do for outreach media and staying in touch with friends and family. You got angry at people who told you this was dangerous and would fail you as individuals and fail us all as a society. You my friends on #failbook created this mess.

The start of excepting you are in a abusive relationship is to publicly admit this and publicly stepaway from this mess to more healthy relationships #OMN

History is a circal. The last election we had the opportunity to move away to the best of the 20th century. We instead choose the worset and our embrace of the #dotcons is core to this fail.
This is a lot of trolling going on in #failbook and most do not see themselves as trolls.
The is morality then the is basic common sense (which is a product of ideology/lived experience) people tend to mix them up.
Am thinking most people will see this as the first thus more trolling will happen. WHO IS THE TROLL is an intresting question at this point.
This is a disater as Failbook and Google are in a race to get you to click on cat memes to acheve this outcome
Please dont forget that on #failbook we (the clective we) created this mess nytimes.com/2020/01/24/opinion by doing exacly what you wont to do now, if we were on a #dotcons (click)
Its basic stuff.