
Churning of pointless tech projects

Almost everything made in alt-radical tech is obviously pointless and only feeds #fahernista churn.
Why #indymediaback is not a pointless radical tech project.
#nothingnew mediates the churning of pointless tech projects by building things that already work.
In the #fedivers we use this tradition to replace existing #dotcons projects as new #openweb projects
This replicating the #dotcons with #openweb versions has its limits. All code is “ideology” so bringing in the #deathcult to the #openweb by direct copying has its own issues to work through.
We mediate this problem by recreating a widely used radical tech project #indymedia with good existing workflow and embedded in wide radical social networks/agreements.
The value balance in #indymediaback is not in the tech though that is needed. It’s in the #nothingnew social side of the project, without this continuity we have a pointless tech project.

Food for thought.

The #geekproblem is not actually interested in the #openweb as a human value network. Instead, they often feed off the current mess in different unhealthy ways. Feeding off the dying #openweb is bowing down to the #deathcult

Looked at it this way the need for change becomes more obvuse and active carrot and stick work important.

The #OMN is a shovel to compost this inhuman mess.


The #OMN is built from the experience of 30 years of working at the coal face of grassroots media and tech.

Just about all tech and political projects are pointless “A river that needs crossing political and tech – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over complexity”

A solution to this churning is “nothing new” as most of the issues we face have already been solved or at least mediated. #nothingnew and #4opens is a way of stepping away from the current tech mess. Politics is a bit more complex.

What is not pointless is an interesting challenge for tech and politics. To start this conversation you HAVE to use the to remove 99.9% of the #dotcons #NGO and #fashernista fluff.

The is NO conversation before you do this. When this is done you need to look at the #geekproblem which is both a curse and a delight.

The #OMN is built from the experience of 30 years of working at the coal face of grassroots media and tech.


Human tech – OMN

To build the framework of an #OMN site there are – 5 functions

The network is made of pipes and holding tanks with different end connectors. The idea is that every part, in abstract, is understandable by a normaliseish human being.

* link/subscribe to a flow – plumb a pipe in, on, the end/beginning of the pipe can be other functions

* trust/moderate flow – through flow or to the holding tank then though a sieve to shift the flow to different pipes.

* rollback – empty, remove that content to a point in the flow or remove objects from the flow.

* edit matadata – add to the trailing tail of the data object, this will change how data is sieved and is the main function in aggregation news.

* publish content – add an object to the flow (you can maybe edit this object or not)

The is then the storage tank which is a database.

That’s it the rest is UX and UI think of it as macaron for news publishing.

TAKENOTE: the is nothing original in this, its how our plumbing, our electrical grids and even the neurons in our brains work and fits into the #nothingnew that is a core of this project.