The Importance of Words and Ideology

Words shape our thoughts, and common understandings of these words are essential for coherent and effective communication. Ideologies form the basis of all thinking, whether unspoken and #mainstreaming or articulated and still minority. The challenge is to transition minority ideologies to the mainstreaming paths. The Plan: Using Common Hashtags and Syndication To achieve this transition,…

The Solution: Embrace the #4opens

We can’t keep repeating the same #TechShit over and over again. #TechCurn is a dead end.The #OMN is the only positive path I know forward. #Mainstreaming #fashernistas are dangerously consumptive. Our alt #fashernistas are utterly pointless. We need to disrupt social norms and make #4opens fashionable to salvage any value from these people and pull…

Understanding the Current Landscape

The accidental #openweb reboot of the #fediverse was created and popularized by a diverse and disorganized group of progressives with meany #fashernistas, this is a #4opens “native” path and reflects the decentralized and chaotic nature of grassroots movements. This “herding cats” means that achieving consensus or coordinated action is challenging. The last 40 years have…

A Mental Health Time-Bomb

The Imminent Collapse: The science is irrefutable: our civilization is on the brink of imminent, violent collapse due to environmental degradation and #climatechaos. Yet, the political establishment and #mainstreaming media is dominated by those who profit from this collapse, ensuring that the public remains, unfocused, uninformed and distracted by inanity and bile. This toxic combination…

The Urgent Need for Systemic Change

We are pushing societal collapse and extinction, not due to natural calamities or unforeseen disasters, but as a result of our #mainstreaming political decisions by those in power. These decisions, driven by corporate agenda, are pushing us down the path where millions, will perish and billions be displaced in the coming decades. The Devastating Impact…

The Cost of Living Crisis: Corporate Greed and Political Corruption

That the cost of living crisis stems from corporate greed and political corruption is a useful perspective to challenge #mainstreaming narratives. Economic hardships faced by people and communerties are not inevitable or natural, rather the result of deliberate actions by powerful agendas. “Remember, anyone trying to blame our cost of living crisis on anything other…

Caring in a culture that disregards human well-being requires resistance to dominant values

I have come to think that care for people requires a high degree of resistance to the culture around us, simply because that culture is dedicated to values that have no concern for people. A tension in society: the disconnect between cultural values and genuine care for people. Actually caring for people requires a strong…

Security and trust are a part of the fluffy/spiky debate in activism

As dissent and protest are increasingly criminalized, it’s important for protesters and activists to protect themselves – to the degree possible – from surveillance. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (#EFF) offers a guide for surveillance defence. It’s useful to read this even if you aren’t a protester, because the right wing (and sadly, some of the…

#mainstreaming counter-cultures

The #mainstreaming of counter-cultures, like #openweb, #Fediverse, and #Mastodon, touch on ongoing issues in #openweb culture and community sustainability. It should come as no surprise that we need action to hold together the culture, values and integrity of #openweb digital spaces: Mainstreaming of Counter-Cultures Normalization and Dilution of Values: As counter-cultures like the #openweb and…

The Fediverse is “native” to Anarchism

Anarchism is a part of #FOSS governance, a political philosophy and social movement that shaped the foundations of the internet and #openweb to move from centralized power to decentralized, self-governing paths. This was a strong part of #web01 and a strong part of why it worked so well. #Anarchists believe that society and technology can…