Talking to an “academic” what is rainbow

Q. I have been interested in the rainbow gatherings, particularly the political grounds where gatherings come from. Nothing on this subject is talked about on the facebook groups. People are only looking for a nice vacation destination or yoga lessons. Do people share rainbow philosophy and political ideas? A. lots of thoughts and experiences on…

Radical Networks

Q. “From mass surveillance to the over-commercialization of the World Wide Web, the concept of a free and open Internet is continously threatened by corporate interests and over-reaching governments. Radical Networks is a festival and a conference, designed to foster critical discussions around these issues and to create opportunities to learn more about policy, DIY…

Should the state run #failbook A. Is this a good idea? Q. It is certainly a better idea. Whether or not it is the best possible is another question … A. We already have a healthy alt to the #dotcons growing. Do we need a state run one. This is a new look at a old debate between anarchist…

Building alt/grassroots media networks to challenge and widen the traditional media

Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are too limited in their idea of what media could/should be in this the is either a naivety or a dishonesty. The most successful act and think they can be #traditionalmedia” without controlling the distribution of their content in any meaningful way. This is of course not unusual, the…

We need projects like the Media Fund as part of an #openweb echo syteam

Published Date 10/23/17 6:50 PM We need projects like the Media Fund as part of a #openweb echo-syteam. But they need to get a bit upto date to be relevant, currently they are years in the past in their thinking – this is a #fashernista problem that is made worst by funding agenda’s being many…

Building alt grassroots media networks to challenge the traditional media

Published Date 7/16/17 7:30 PM Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are to limited in there idea of what media could/should be. The is either a naivety or a dishonesty to all the current grassroots/alt media. They act and think they can be “big media” with out controlling the distribution of there content in any…


Published Date 4/18/17 11:53 AM I have been talking about the fashernisatas for the last few years, its an idea/group that I have been struggling to work with my whole time in the alt/grassroots. So what is a #fahernista?  A group of individuals who value/push there own individual advancement over the needs of the croup…