When activisty types of people ansear the #openweb posts on facebook with pessimism then trolling. I am assuming they are talking about the last 10 years of the #encryptionists and in this I agree with them it was a wasted 10 years. But over the last few years we have had a #openweb reboot my…
Talking about rebooting openweb media
Its too easey to talk cross purpose about actavisam, media and tech if the is any understaning at all most are talking about the end of indymedia and what came after, am talking about the start of indymedia and what came before. A simple misunderstanding that is surprising hard to bridge. There are now millions…
The #dotcons put shiny on there poison pill and we swallowed a heap
Q. but then facebook fucked it all up http://members.aye.net/~hippie/hippie/special_.htm A. Yes, well we kinda fucked it up before #failbook came along. The #ossification of #indymedia network from my memory comes to mind. Tecnolagy as individualism over tecnolagy as social, the blogging revolution and years of pointless #encryptionists projects are good examples. Then the #dotcons puts…
Howto see the world
With out a wider “ideological” world view you have no place to stepaway from your past mistakes. Everyone needs to look at the world from differing perspectives. The current neo-liberal dogma in all its different fashionable clothes is just that a failed dogma that we clearly need to stepaway from. The world can be different,…
The #geekproblem pushing over #openweb agen
https://www.wired.com/story/how-blockchain-can-wrest-the-internet-from-corporations The #encryptionists are trying to pushing there flagging project over the healthy #openweb reboot. Q. need a new hashtag? lovers of blockchain (bloccatenaphile?) are a breed unto themselves, and not likely to be as sensible as some those who are in to encryption. how broad is your definition of #encryptionist? A. #encryptionists my “fuckyou”…
Building alt/grassroots media networks to challenge and widen the traditional media
Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are too limited in their idea of what media could/should be in this the is either a naivety or a dishonesty. The most successful act and think they can be #traditionalmedia” without controlling the distribution of their content in any meaningful way. This is of course not unusual, the…
Building alt grassroots media networks to challenge the traditional media
Published Date 7/16/17 7:30 PM Our current groups doing alt/grassroots media are to limited in there idea of what media could/should be. The is either a naivety or a dishonesty to all the current grassroots/alt media. They act and think they can be “big media” with out controlling the distribution of there content in any…
Rebooting the open web
Published Date 9/20/16 2:42 PM The OMN is based on a simple understanding that the last 10 years have been wasted on #dotcoms and #encryptionists delusions. In this NGO’s, activists and at-geeks have wasted the open webs potential to shift society to a more humain path. To move beyond this decaying circle we need…