On the wider subject of this thread, Identity politics and the agender it pushes

In the face of growing #climatechaos and our attention being trapped inside the #dotcons, I see most people as complete fantasists and see the worship of the #deathcult as their main motivation. In the next 5–10 years, I see a lot of BLOCKING and lots of blowing of smoke to cover this behaver. I live…

A talk goes off topic – what is an #ecryptionist is illustrated.

Q. Grumpy old geeks have a valid point of view http://scripting.com/2021/04/02/145549.html?title=pleadingForStallman Pleading for Stallman A. but no TLS. Q. this is a valid point of view too http://scripting.com/2014/08/08/myBlogDoesntNeedHttps.html My blog doesn’t need HTTPS A. It’s a valid point that Google and Amazon have monopolist interests and are trying to enforce them. Nevertheless, TLS is an…

A conversation

The children of Thatcher and Reagan are limited in their world views – they have been brought up and nurtured in the neo-liberal #deathcult and have limited experience in the nurturing and socialisation of anything else. Academic and book learning are a poor substitute for evolving in a non #deathcult era, so it is no…

NTF and the #fahernistas are nutters of moldy variety

“So wait, when you buy an NFT, you don’t actually BUY the art, you just buy a receipt that you bought the art? And we’re burning the planet for THAT?“ The #encryptionist project is capitalism in the #openweb where it fits badly. They keep trying https://ethereum.org/en/nft/ as if the #deathcult was common sense, which it’s…

The is a “good” seed of a different view in the #OMN project

We live in a “post truth” world where our everyday life is shaped by “cults” on one side you have the air we breathe #deathcult of neo-liberalism on the other you have blocking the bridges and languishing in jails the #lifecult of #XR both in their ways are “cults”. I am struggling to articulate what…

Churning of pointless tech projects

Almost everything made in alt-radical tech is obviously pointless and only feeds #fahernista churn. Why #indymediaback is not a pointless radical tech project. #nothingnew mediates the churning of pointless tech projects by building things that already work. In the #fedivers we use this tradition to replace existing #dotcons projects as new #openweb projects This replicating…