A Positive View Of Current Trends

The challenges of today: #climatechaos, inequality, and the social impacts of #dotcons technology are a creating a very nasty social mess. However, there is a some potential for a positive transformation if we push the power of #openweb and #4opens technology and align it with progressive and radical “native” grassroots politics.

Addressing Climate Change with Technology and Revolutionary change

  • Renewable Energy: Solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources are becoming more than cost-effective and widespread. With strong political will, we can transition to a carbon-neutral economy. By reducing consumption and shifting this energy balance, we take a step to mitigating some of the effects of climate change.
  • Climate Resilience: Investment in both physical and social climate resilience infrastructure, flood defences and mediation, sustainable agriculture. This will shape and can protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems as we weather this transition. On the digital side, federation is a big step towards more #p2p native infrastructure, which will help to mediate the failing of our overly centralise #dotcons world.

Leveraging Automation for Social Good

  • Reducing Work Hours: Automation reduces the need for human labour, allowing for shorter work weeks and more leisure time without reducing productivity. This leads to improved quality of life and wider social and mental health benefits.
  • Universal Basic Income: #UBI provides a financial base for building sustainable alternatives, ensuring that wider groups benefits from increased productivity and technological advancements, rather than the normal nasty few.

Ensuring Equitable Access to Resources and Services

  • Universal Basic Services: By providing free and universal access to essential services such as healthcare, education, housing, and public transport, we create a more equitable society where people has the opportunity to thrive and build social good.
  • Socialized Finance: Redirecting financial resources from speculative markets to socially beneficial projects ensures that investments are made in areas that improve public well-being and infrastructure.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation and Inclusion

  • Inclusive Policy Making: Ensuring that marginalized communities have a voice in policymaking leads to more equitable and just outcomes. Participatory democracy and community-led tech initiatives like the #OGB drive inclusive development and the needed social change.
  • Education and Retraining: As the job paths shift, providing education and retraining opportunities helps people transition to new roles, ensuring that fewer people are left behind.

Utilizing Technology for Global Collaboration and Problem-Solving

  • Global Cooperation: Harnessing #4opens digital technology for international collaboration to address global challenges effectively. Federated platforms for knowledge sharing and joint initiatives leads to real solutions for climate change, health, and economic development.
  • Data for Good: Using #openweb and #4opens data analytics to address social issues leads to more effective public planing, policies and resource allocation.

Conclusion: A Vision of Hope, In Tech

There is a potential for a positive future when we combine technological innovation with radical progressive politics and a commitment to social equity. By addressing #climatechange, leveraging automation, ensuring food security, and providing universal access to essential services, we build a wider world of opportunity and basic justice.

This vision needs us to reimagine our current paths to prioritize humanistic well-being over profit. With the right policies and collective action, we can turn today’s challenges into opportunities for basic survival and a better global society.

You can support a technological project https://opencollective.com/open-media-network its a small step.

The Urgent Need for Climate Action

The mess we build when public’s attention is being deliberately diverted by those in power. They want us to focus on national borders and other divisive issues, preventing us from addressing the real crisis #climatechange. This distraction tactic is designed to benefit the #nastyfew who continue to profit from the destruction of our planet.

As we approach, another election, the insidious #deathcult ideologies offered by the main political parties have gutted life for the majority, while vile conmen exploit our ignorance and anger, distracting us with racism and hate. To hide the underlying economic warfare waged against us by predatory capitalism.

We are at the most perilous point in human history. Future generations, if they survive the coming decades, will look back and think us insane for not having climate scientists and progressive agenda leading our countries. Instead, we allow fossil fuel agendas to dictate our policies.

Figures like Farage are human smoke bombs, generating clouds of xenophobia and culture wars to hide the economic exploitation pushed by the capital that funds their campaigns. Farage’s vision of a future is filled with labour shortages, crumbling public services, and deepened social divisions.

The fight against climate change is fraught with challenges, from powerful economic interests to political distractions. However, the voices of activists, scientists, and concerned people highlight the urgent need for action.

By pushing #KISS core issues and building grassroots #DIY alternatives as seeds to prioritize the planet, we can try to mitigate/weather the worst impacts of this growing global crisis.


#climatechaos requires a radical approach

The Seven Stages of climate denial:

1. It’s not real
2. It’s not us
3. It’s not that bad
4. We have time 
5. It’s too expensive to fix
6. Here’s a fake solution
7. It’s too late: you should have warned us earlier

Trolls use all of these stages to deny the reality of #climatechange

With this in mind, it’s worth looking at the climate crisis and its broader implications for liberals:

Understanding the Crisis

  1. Climate Change Impacts:
    • Primary Effects: The direct environmental impacts such as floods, storms, and droughts, species loss.
    • Secondary Effects: These encompass the broader impacts like social breakdown, mass migration, fiscal crises, and conflicts and wars.

Soft Problem: Infrastructure Response

To address the primary effects of climate change, we need to:

  1. Invest in Resilient Infrastructure:
    • Develop, diversify and upgrade infrastructure to withstand extreme weather events.
    • Implement sustainable urban planning and disaster preparedness programs.
  2. Promote Environmental Stewardship:
    • Encourage policies that protect natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
    • Support renewable down scaling with energy sources and totally end reliance on fossil fuels.

Hard Problem: State Stability and Security

Addressing the secondary effects involves:

  1. Economic and Social Policies:
    • Develop political and economic policies that buffer against fiscal crises caused by climate change.
    • Strengthen social safety nets to support communities impacted by environmental changes.
  2. Global Cooperation:
    • Foster international collaboration to facilitate the mass migration and sharing of resources.
    • Support global peacekeeping efforts to hold justice in place and prevent conflicts exacerbated by climate stressors.

Accountability and Legal Action

Prosecuting individuals and groups for their direct roles in the climate crisis involves several considerations:

  1. Legal Frameworks:
    • Establish clear legal standards for environmental crimes and corporate responsibility.
    • Develop international agreements to hold entities accountable for environmental damage.
  2. Ethical Considerations:
    • Ensure that legal actions are grounded in social justice and fairness.
    • Avoid simple scapegoating and ensure that those prosecuted are responsible for significant harm.
  3. Focus on Prevention:
    • Prioritize measures that prevent future harm alongside punitive actions for though who are found responsible.
    • Promote corporate and governmental accountability through regulations and incentives for sustainable practices and well as impotently building real alternatives.

Moving Forward

To effectively address the #climatecrisis and its security implications, a wide approach is needed:

  1. Promote Public Awareness and Engagement:
    • Educate the public on the causes and effects of #climatechange.
    • Encourage community involvement in real sustainability initiatives.
  2. Policy and Governance:
    • Advocate for robust climate policies at national and international levels.
    • Ensure that climate action is integrated into broader progressive security and economic strategies.
  3. Innovation and Adaptation:
    • Invest in research and development of soft and hard technologies for climate mitigation and adaptation.
    • Encourage the needed adaptive practices in agriculture, industry, and urban development.
  4. Ethical Leadership:
    • Foster community leadership outside the current #mainstreaming agendas, that prioritize long-term sustainability and ethical governance.
    • Promote #4opens transparency and accountability in society and climate-related decision-making.

Addressing the #climatecrisis requires a radical and balanced approach that combines immediate action with long-term planning, prominent legal accountability with widened ethical governance, and national efforts with wider global cooperation. By focusing on these areas, we can try to work towards a sustainable future.

For a #mainstreaming view of this https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pope-francis-urges-action-on-climate-change-its-a-road-to-death/

On this subject: The #EU Eurocracy are hopelessly incompetent on progressive social and tech issues – it’s our job to help them be less incompetent as best we can. The other, native path is more dangerous, to get rid of them, the dangers with this is the right-wing will take their place. This applies to changing most #mainstreaming institutions and people, so we are left with challenge as a safe path.

The Supremacy of Capital: A Fundamental Challenge in the Era of #ClimateChaos

In today’s world, the supremacy of capital stands as a pillar holding up our societies and institutions. This assertion, though seemingly simple, carries implications for our understanding of power dynamics, economic structures, and the urgent need for change in the face of #climatecrisis. This encapsulates a recognition that economic interests, particularly those of capitalists and corporations, wield immense influence over all aspects of human life.

Firstly, let us look into the idea of the supremacy of capital. At its core, this term speaks to the authority held by an ideological “class” holding money and wealth in our globalized society. It reflects economic imperatives that take precedence over social, environmental, and ethical considerations. In this paradigm, profit maximization becomes the objective, driving decision-making at individual, corporate, and governmental levels. As a result, we witness the consolidation of power and wealth in the hands of a few, while vast segments of society are left marginalized and disenfranchised.

The influence of capital extends beyond economic realms, permeating into the fabric of our social and cultural bodies, we can feel this in liberal ideology. Which is traditionally associated with notions of individual freedom, free markets, and limited government intervention, but with #neoliberalism becoming entwined with the supremacy of capital, every context, liberal economic policies prioritize the interests of corporations and the wealthy, reinforcing existing power structures.

The supremacy of capital is not a neutral or uncontested phenomenon. Instead, it is underpinned by a religiose adherence to certain beliefs and ideologies that serve to uphold the status quo. This religiosity manifests in a dogmatic acceptance of capitalist principles, often to the detriment of alternative worldviews and dissenting voices. It fosters a culture of unquestioning obedience to market forces and economic growth, even in the face of mounting evidence of their adverse impacts on society and the environment.

The urgency of addressing the supremacy of capital is underscored by the existential threat of #climatechange. The hashtag #Climatechaos serves as a poignant reminder of the chaotic and disruptive effects of global warming on our planet. From extreme weather events to biodiversity loss and rising sea levels, the consequences of climate change are already being felt across the globe. Yet, capital continues to impede meaningful action on this front, as short-term profit motives take precedence over long-term sustainability and resilience.

In light of these challenges, the principle of #KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid – offers a clarion call for action. It urges us to confront the fundamental issue at hand: the dominance of capital in our societies. While the solution to this complex problem may not be simple or straightforward, acknowledging its existence is the crucial first step towards effecting change. We must challenge the religiose reverence for capital and advocate for alternative economic models that prioritize people and the planet over profit.

In conclusion, the supremacy of capital stands as a challenge in the era of #climatechaos. By understanding and addressing this, we can pave the way for a more sustainable future. It is past time to break free from the shackles of capitalist ideology and forge a path towards a world where the well-being of humanity and the environment takes precedence over corporate interests #KISS

People react defensively to bad news, blaming others rather than confront uncomfortable truths

We need to look a bit at the psychological barriers that hinder communication and action in urgent social challenges. Concepts, like spontaneous trait transference, lead people to attribute negative traits to those delivering important messages, rather than focusing on the message itself.

People often react defensively to bad news, seeking to attribute blame to others rather than confront uncomfortable truths. This is rooted in our evolutionary psychology and plays a role in the proliferation of conspiracy theories and the scapegoating of messengers.

The exhaustion and frustration in trying to navigate these psychological barriers while we try to address issues like #climatechange and #openweb reboot can lead to a sense of urgency and despair, that underscores the gravity of the challenges we face and the need for effective communication and action.

This is touching on the complexities of human psychology and the daunting task of confronting social crises in the face of widespread denial and defensiveness. We do need to highlight the importance of resilience, compassion, and strategic communication in navigating these challenges and inspiring meaningful change.

More on this here https://www.okdoomer.io/thebadguys

The tech world is in a state of chaos and dysfunction

The tech world is in a state of chaos and dysfunction, to compost this mess it’s crucial that we reckon with the consequences of our past decisions to understand how we arrived at this point.

Over the past four decades, there has been an intertwining of #postmodernist social thinking and #neoliberal economic ideology. This marriage of #ideologies has fractured societal values and pushed down ideological divides, leading to right-wing polarization and dysfunction in both politics and technology.

In the realm of technology, this has translated into the proliferation of centralized platforms and the erosion of community. We’ve witnessed the rise of platforms that push profit over people’s well-being, exacerbating societal divisions and amplifying disinformation and hate speech.

As we confront existential threats like #climatechange and ecological degradation, it’s imperative that we acknowledge our role in shaping the current reality. For forty years, we’ve marched down this dark path, shaping our “human nature” through collective choices and actions.

The next four decades will be marked by hardship and suffering as we grapple with the consequences of our actions. But we must take responsibility for charting a new course forward. It’s well past time to reject the poisoned philosophies and dogmatic economic doctrines that have brought us to this precipice.

We must reclaim agency over our collective future and commit to a path of social healing, reconciliation, and renewal. This begins with the first step of acknowledging our complicity in creating this mess and embracing the power of collective action and solidarity to fix it.

#stupidindividualism let’s try please not to just push mess back at this text. It’s essential not to view this social thinking as an individualistic moral judgment. The effectiveness of postmodernism and neoliberalism in achieving their goals is evident, the judgment lies in our collective choice of path.

The disintegration of social norms and the widening gap between the rich and the poor are natural outcomes of the path we’ve chosen over the last four decades. It’s not just about moral judgment; it’s about recognizing the consequences of our choices and taking steps to course correct towards a more just, equitable, and sustainable future. And away from the current “common sense” mess.

Yes, if you hear the shouting “don’t be a prat” it’s likely needed 😉

The mess in tech

The last 40 years of technological development (from open to closed) and its impact on society, coupled with the growing urgency of addressing #climatechange, highlight the need to fundamentally shift the way we approach technology back to open.

Key points:

  1. Environmental Impact: The rapid growth of technology over the past few decades has come with a significant environmental cost. From the production and disposal of electronic devices to the energy consumption of data centres and digital infrastructure, the tech industry has contributed to greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. As we face the reality of #climatechaos, there’s a pressing need to develop and adopt technologies that minimize harm to the planet.
  2. Social Inequality: While technology has the potential to connect people and empower communities, our embrace of the #dotcons has exacerbated social inequalities. Access to digital technologies, information, and opportunities, widening the gap between the privileged and marginalized. Moreover, #dotcons tech platforms are criticized for perpetuating discrimination, bias, and exclusion, further entrenching systemic injustices. Addressing these issues requires building “native” #openweb technology that prioritizes equity, inclusivity, and social justice.
  3. Corporate Control and Surveillance: The dominance of large tech corporations raises concerns about corporate power. These companies wield immense influence over digital ecosystems, shaping the flow of information, controlling social access to platforms, and monetizing people’s data and metadata. To counteract corporate control and protect the #openweb, there’s a need for decentralized, community-driven alternatives.
  4. Innovation and Collaboration: The current paradigm of technological development prioritizes profit-driven innovation over basic social and environmental responsibility. This mindset stifles collaboration, stifles open innovation, and limits collective problem-solving. To address complex challenges like #climatechange, we need to foster a #4opens culture of collaboration, knowledge sharing, and open-source development. By democratizing access to technology and promoting participatory design processes, we harness the collective intelligence and creativity of communities.
  5. Political and Cultural Shifts: The intersection of technology, politics, and culture shapes societal norms, values, and behaviours. Over the past years, we’ve seen a growing awareness of the political implications of technology, from concerns about online disinformation and algorithmic bias to debates over platform governance and digital rights. As grassroots movements like Extinction Rebellion (#XR) mobilize to address #climatechange, there’s an opportunity to leverage technology as a tool for social and environmental activism. By challenging mainstream narratives, engaging in grassroots #openweb organizing, and amplifying community based voices, we harness technology to advance progressive causes and catalyse the needed systemic change and challenge.

The disaster that is #climatechaos necessitate a radical reimagining of technology and its role. By building sustainability, equity, collaboration, and activism, we can push the resilient and inclusive #openweb future that serves people and the planet. And yes this shift challenges entrenched power, confronts corporate interests, so we will need to mobilize collective action to create this more sustainable world.

#focus is good.

Historically, #mainstreaming politics exhibited a tendency to shift to the right during times of crisis

The intersection of #climatechange, #mainstreaming politics, and fear is a complex phenomenon that influences societal attitudes and policies. Historically, mainstream politics has exhibited a tendency to shift towards the right during times of crisis, and the looming specter of #climatechaos is following this trend. In this context, it is essential to recognize the pivotal role that fear plays in driving right-wing politics and shaping public discourse.

Fear operates as a potent motivator in shaping political attitudes and policies, particularly within the realm of right-wing ideologies. Whether it manifests as apprehension over economic instability, cultural change, or national security, fear serves as fertile ground for the proliferation of right-wing narratives. In the context of climatechaos, this fear is further amplified by concerns surrounding environmental degradation, natural disasters, migration, and resource scarcity. Such apprehensions provide a breeding ground for the flourishing of the right-wing, which feeds on these anxieties to promote their agenda.

However, amidst this landscape of fear, a counterpoint emerges: the waning fear of socialism. Traditionally, socialism has been met with suspicion and trepidation by capitalist classes, serving as a perceived threat to the status quo. Yet, as socialist ideals gain traction and legitimacy in #mainstreaming discourse, particularly among younger generations, the fear of socialism begins to diminish. This shifting dynamic challenges the hegemony of right-wing politics and offers a glimmer of hope for progressive change in the growing mess.

Indeed, this shift presents an opportunity for hope. By embracing socialist principles and advocating for progressive policies, there is potential to counteract the politics of fear perpetuated by the right. However, this window of opportunity for hope is narrowing in the face of escalating #climatechaos. The urgency of the climate crisis demands immediate action, and the failure to seize this opportunity through #mainstreaming inaction exacerbate the cycle of fear and despair.

In essence, the delicate balance between fear and hope shapes political narratives and responses to climate change. While fear may dominate #mainstreaming politics in the short term, there remains a potential for collective action and progressive change. In #openweb tech initiatives such as the Open Media Network (#OMN), #OGB, #indymediaback, and #makeinghistory we exemplify efforts to challenge the status quo and chart a course towards a future grounded in resilience, equity, and sustainability to fostering a society that prioritizes collective the well-being and environmental stewardship that we need.

You can support these projects