I have found memories of fighting the Power Politics of the “undead left” during the London Social Forum many years ago – lots of knotted strings of organic garlic around the top “taking the power table” to highlight the uncomfortable “undead left´s” grasping for power. Then the ad hock crew taking away the top table…
The #OMN is built from the experience of 30 years of working at the coal face of grassroots media and tech.
Just about all tech and political projects are pointless “A river that needs crossing political and tech – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over complexity” A solution to this churning is “nothing new” as most of the issues we face have already been…
Shifting power in #openweb projects
Before we dive into the whole open/closed misunderstanding/fight it would be good to look at the different roles in a project and who has the power to say yes/no at each level. admin mod producer user reader “closed” the power is concentrated at the top. “open” it is shifted down to the producer. The reader…
Security concepts tend to be from the conservative ideological viewpoint
#OMN building progressive alt tech we cannot repeat the behaver of the #dotcons as it’s a different environment, we need different agenders. “The security context is the relationships between a security referent and its environment. From this perspective, security and insecurity depend first on whether the environment is beneficial or hostile to the referent, and…
A conversation on #OMN issues around metadata
* Capitalism wants to privatise metadata to the #dotcons and the capitalist then control the government – fascism is back into fashion. * Chinese communism, wants the state to control the metadata, so they can control capitalism, we are back to the command economy just digitised. * Liberalism want to privatise metadata to the individual…
What does anarchism want #4opens #OMN is an attempt to find an answer
Q. “We’re supposed to think of #metadata as less than #data, but it isn’t: often it is more. . .#govts that want to control their people & crush #dissent want #metadata.” #privacy #Whatsapp #BigTech This is an interesting point, but it only makes sense if you see people as isolated individuals and the being no…
The senate “insurrection” and the media
We are seeing a stinking mess of shit posting from the left and the right on the role of tech big and small in the senate “insurrection” . The voice of the centre right #traditionalmedia will push us back to the #dotcons gatekeepers they have started to criticized over the last 10 years. The opening…
#4opens #review Threema GmbH Seriously Secure Messaging
#4opens #review Threema GmbH Seriously Secure Messaging https://threema.ch The #4opens: Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project. * Open data – is the basic part of a project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_data without this open they cannot work. – you can likely download your chats and metadata, seams to be there so…
Next step in the #OMN
The majority of #mainstreaming #openweb tech projects have the assumption that human nature is a fixed thing and that every project has to be built in reaction to the 40 years of neo-liberal #deathcult that we all live in now as this is the “only” human nature visible. They completely miss/ignorer the social nature of…
Can you host videos over Tor?
Q. lf we know someone who could host videos over Tor, could that help you? Is the software Tor/clearnet agnostic? A. it might be an abuse of the #tor network to stream videos over it as it has limited bandwidth and is run on a volunteer bases. It would be a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons please have a…
Report back on #XR peertube/youtube video posting experiment
Report back on peertube/youtube video posting experiment. #XR video posted only to peertube got 18 views in 48 hours. Video posted only to youtube got 26 views in 24 hours so far. Both videos were nice fluffy #XR shared widely in meany #dotcons groups with 1-10k subscribers so in theory to 20-50k people based on…
Anti dogmatic thinking
Brining #indymediaback The fallow flower beds/farm that is #indymedia needs to be bought back to life slowly with as little change to the structure as possible. In our current social tech state just about ANY change will start ripping and when this starts it escalates quickly to do real damage. The original 2000-2008’ish structures cover…