
What is the OMN

The #OMN its a anything in and anything out – mediated by trust database/network.

It’s up to “commernerty” what they do with this and up to the individuals what commerty they choose or if a bit geeky can be an individual. it’s just soup (data soup) of course my project is to build a media/news network out of this other people can build other things #OMN

The data soup is fed by folsonmeny flows of tagged data objects mediated by trust. The consumption is based on the same. All with a nice UI

Lossy, redundancy, trust are features, the #geekproblem seeing these as problems needs to be overcome.

Being based on the am looking at Odata as the rest API core as this is an outgrouth of #atompub and #RSS and comes from a long process of open development #indymedia What do you think?

The exciting bits are the “flows of trust” bulding commertys, the tech and code are just tools.

* Nothing new

* All #4opens

* Good UI



All code is ideology manifested

Q. Some interesting things, mostly the collaborative pad. As I said some time back, this is how I would (obviously) try running this effort – pads not threads.

In terms of general direction, the activitypub etc doesn’t inspire me in terms of rethinking media. I will continue my #postmedia project, which has quite different axioms, and release when ready.

In general I don’t see the linked info neither as theoretically(specs) nor practically(code) strong

A. Diversity of strategy is a good thing but the #geekproblem of everyone doing there own thing is a bad thing – riding the contradictions 🙂

* What’s your argument against activertypub exactly?

* What do you think of rebooting the indymedia project?

One thing I can say the desire to be king is pointless when it fails and dangerous when it rarely succeeds. If this is a main motivation then no good humain outcome is possible. Basic st

A. What is a #postmedia project? it sounds like a alt-right libatrean, which is simply incompatible with social ?

linked info? is being done without coding – it’s a folksonomy. A trust based social project not a technological project. It’s not there on purpose, which is obviously why you cannot find it 🙂

The social nature of the project. Because there is no code as we are simply in every case repurposing existing codebases, existing social relations and existing processes.

it’s an interesting subject.

I am trying to get coders to stop doing pointless/dangerous things with their skills and time. This sums up why i talk a lot about the #geekproblem

* pointless, that’s just about everything they do have always done.

* dangurus, that’s when they push #dotcons and make it work.

Of course this is more complex than it looks, how do you define “useful” we can wank ideology at this point.


Tec in the post truth world

The are a kinda of constitution that keeps the “post truth world” at bay. As long as you keep the in place and respect the diversity they hold in place.

Its a chicken and egg issue.

The #OMN is a social technology held togather by the that pushes into being a digital commons. What we then do with this liberated space is up to us.

The rebooted #indymedia project is a radical media project motivated by the #pga hallmarks that can only be built as a trust based network in this #TAZ space.

Wikipedia is kinda your friend, arty view of #TAZ

And #PGA


Lots of fashionable activist use telegram the chat app, a 4opens review

The :

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.

* hard to say am assuming you can download your chats. Say ½ a open.

Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have isn’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* No

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

* No

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.

* the is some options to support the project and API code on github, but it basicly closed. give them 1/2 a open just to be frendly.

So to be generous that’s 1 opens so it is not a project


20 years of indymedia

If you are intrested in rebooting the #indymedia project. The #OMN process is based on experience of why the IMC project failed from internal stresses.
The Open Media Network is a trust based, human moderated, project that builds a database shared across many peers. The project is more important for what it DOES NOT DO, than what it does do. It uses technology to build human networks.
There are ONLY 5 main functions:
* Publish (object to a stream of objects) – to publish a story.
* Subscribe (to stream of objects) – to a person or organization, a page, a group, a subject etc.
* Moderate (stream or object) – you can say I like/not like (push/pull or yes/no) this etc.
* Rollback (stream) – you can remove from your flow untrusted historical content by publishing flow/source.
* Edit (meta data of object/stream) – you can edit the metadata in any site/instance/app you have a login on.

– The folksonamy tag meta date creates the streams/feeds of objects

This is the back-end of the project to build a DIY trust based grassroots semantic web. The front-end can be anything you like, for example it can be regional/city/subject based indymedia sites.
The data cauldron and the golden ladle – Working docs

Lets look at one of the new semi open #dotcons –

The :

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.

* hard to say, I think all the limited user data it collects will be sold for profit, it’s the business model. The code of the product is up on github. Say ½ a open.

Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have isn’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* Yes its based on Chromium and all its modified code is on github i think. Think a 1 open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

* its built on top of a major open source project, supports most openstanderds? 1 open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.

* The development seems to be done in the open on github but the business model is hidden behind the company structure so say ½ a open.

So that’s 3 opens for a silver project

But my wider thoughts:

Looking at the intro page, it looks like they are shifting round the exploitation. “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it” Modern interpretation Of this: #dotcons only shift exploitation to the commons, the point is to challenge exploitation.


Looking at 4opens projects – totalisam

The #4opens

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.


Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have ain’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.


Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understand but core open, its what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

1/2 a open is working towards

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.


So Its a bronze project.


A #4opens review of

The :

Are a simple way to judge the value of a “alt/grassroots” tech project.

Open data – is the basic part of a project with out this open they cannot work.

* there is no way to get your data out or to access the metadata. Its copyright. No open

Open source – as in “free software” this keeps development healthy by increasing interconnectedness and bringing in serendipity. The Open licences are the “lock” that keep the first two in place, what we have ain’t perfect but they do expand the area of “trust” that a project needs to work, creative commons is a start here.

* its closed source on the surface, not obvious what is happening under the surface. No open

Open “industrial” standards – this is a little understood but core open, it’s what the open internet and WWW are built from. Here is an outline

* no RSS I can see, its a basic website I think with a forum? No open

Open process – this is the most “nebulous” part, examples of the work flow would be wikis and activity streams. Projects are built on linking trust networks so open process is the “glue” that binds the links together.

* it’s a forum so kinda open process but no look at the running of the project. 1/2 open

To sum up, its a project that could be made more if the was a communerty involved. this depends on the guys running it and there tech support being willing and having time to push the project out into the “commons”.

At the moment is a dormant seed #dotcons

1/2 open out of 4 so not a project.


What duse a 4opens world look like

Throwing ideas into the air to see were they land. Lets think of ideas for what a post world looks like in the digital era.

Its a soft move away from capitalism.

* end of money as the motivating factor of exchange. With opendata exchanges can be balanced by open algorithms

* big reductions in inequality due to democratic control of common digital/physical infrastructure.

* as the growth in digital goods the will be ecological outcomes due to the end of consumption as the bases of our economy and human needs.

* more and deeper connections to communertys due to knowingly people better and ease of keeping and building open networks.

* we would have to rethink meany things that now seem to be common sense.

* the idea of privacy has already changed in the #dotcons era. We have no privacy within the corporate structures and the state. This has already happened and is core to the data drivern digital era.

* the is no real legal or technical option to close this so the only option we have is to open this magic meta data bag. This will fundamentally changes our ideas of privacy and rights.

* what would this post capitalist open society look like?


A #KISS explanation of our current mess

The world is broken. Liberal Capitalism is trying to push back into mainstream mindspace and failing. The rightwing nutters with zero mortality are swamping them. The left is still a fraction.

The core issue is private ownership of data.

* The liberal capitalists apply “legal” DRM which is a digital fiction and dead end.

* The nutter right are corporatist walking directly to digital apartheid/political fascism.

* The left are irrelevant.

The answer is simple leading to a data commons. BUT this leads directly to a revolution of what it means to be human thus few people talk about it.

Message from a lifeboat near the end of the world #boatingeurope