We need native #openweb media

The rebooted #indymedia project is a radical media initiative grounded in the #pga hallmarks, a trust-based network #TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone) alongside the #mainstreaming. Much of the groundwork has been done already, this push for #indymediaback had a setback during COVID, but with a fresh crew it’s can be ready for another reboot. Like the #Fediverse, the foundational elements for an alternative media path #activertypub already exist. The goal is to cultivate a thriving, independent media garden, if you’re passionate about shaping #openweb media, get involved with the #OMN.

Start planting seeds for the future you want to grow!

Background information and process https://hamishcampbell.com/?s=indymediaback

Coding, needs a fresh approach https://unite.openworlds.info/indymedia

The mainstream internet, #dotcons, seduces us with dopamine hits, saps our creativity, and turns us into sad, noisy, powerless complainers. It steals our time with endless distractions, buries the pathways that lead to real change, and, in the end, empties our wallets.

Stop complaining. Just step away. Help build the alternative #OMN

#openweb #dotcons #techshit

Tec in the post truth world

The are a kinda of constitution that keeps the “post truth world” at bay. As long as you keep the in place and respect the diversity they can hold in place.

It’s a chicken-and-egg issue.

The #OMN is a social technology held together by the that pushes into being digital commons. What we then do with this liberated space is up to us.

The rebooted #indymedia project is a radical media project motivated by the #pga hallmarks that can only be built as a trust based network in this #TAZ space.

Wikipedia is kinda your friend, arty view of #TAZ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temporary_Autonomous_Zone

And #PGA https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peoples%27_Global_Action