Navigating the Postmodern Confusion and the Case for Common Sense

From a left-wing perspective, identity politics and class-based politics feel like competing ideologies. Identity politics focus on individual identities (race, gender, sexuality, etc.), while leftist movements emphasize collective struggle against class-based oppression under capitalism and neoliberalism. Both approaches aim to address inequality but through different paths. For the #geekproblem we can view them like competing tech standards (e.g., #Bluesky, #Nostr, #ActivityPub), in that they risk fragmenting movements unless there’s an effort to bridge them, balancing specific identity struggles with broader systemic change.

An example of this is #Postmodernism, which often leaves us questioning even the most basic aspects of life, and frankly, it can be exhausting. A recent example is the ongoing debate around biological sex. While it’s true that some people are born with disorders of sexual development, these cases are rare, just like being born colorblind or with physical disabilities. However, the overwhelming majority of the 80 billion humans that have ever lived were born from the combination of an XX and XY chromosome pairing.

The postmodern argument blurs these distinctions unnecessarily, but common sense tells us that reproduction still fundamentally relies on this biological reality. It’s not about denying people’s rights to live as they choose—people should love and live however they wish—but recognizing that certain basic truths shouldn’t be muddled by this long dead ideology. We need to move past the confusion and return to a clearer understanding of biology, while still fostering respect and dignity for all different people, regardless of how they choose to express themselves. Let’s focus on a healthier balance between respecting diversity and understanding the realities of the world we live in.

This is just one example, alongside #neoliberalisam in the economic path we have has 40 years of this mess shaping us, we need to step away from this #fashernista mess making. What would this look like?

Stepping away from the 40-year #fashernista mess shaped by consumer culture involves rejecting the shallow, surface-level trends and embracing deeper, systemic change rooted in sustainability and community. It means focusing on long-term, grassroots action instead of the trendy or performative activism that shapes us now. Practically, this would mean rebuilding independent, open media (#OMN), fostering, commons, collective ownership of resources, and rejecting the commodification of everything. It’s about creating social paths based on trust, openness, and shared values rather than profit-driven, corporate-controlled structures.

This path emphasizes:

  • Local Action: Rebuilding local communities around shared resources and sustainable practices, ensuring they operate autonomously from mainstream corporate structures.
  • Open Processes: Utilizing the #4opens as a framework to ensure transparency and collective engagement in both technology and activism.
  • Resistance to Co-optation: Staying vigilant against the dilution of radical movements by “common sense” #fashernista #NGO “market-friendly” paths which push for wider acceptance by abandoning the core values, we need to care to maintaining their original values and integrity.
  • Education and Awareness: Promoting knowledge-sharing and political education to empower people to resist superficial solutions and embrace affective and meaningful changes.

Ultimately, it’s about rewiring social values to cooperation, resilience, and ecological balance over competition, consumption, and power accumulation, It’s rebalancing our sense of self both individual and social.

From a left-wing perspective, the critique of identity politics, in the example at the beginning of this post, is that it fragments social movements by focusing on individuals or inward looking group identities rather than uniting around shared economic and outward class struggles. The #fashernista path driven by the current mess emphasizes personal identity over collective action, leading to the dilution of the solidarity needed to challenge systemic structures like neoliberalism (#deathcult). This #mainstreaming path leads to division within movements, creating competition for recognition rather than fostering collaboration and addressing structural inequalities

Let’s share the activism fire place, rather than fight over it, leaving only a cold smoky damp mess. #KISS

People often vilify and attack people in progressive projects:

  • Fear of change: Radical ideas threaten the status quo, leading to backlash.
  • Internal divisions: Disagreements within movements about strategy, purity, or priorities cause infighting.
  • Co-optation and sabotage: External forces, including media or political interests, intentionally discredit or sow discord in progressive groups.
  • Fragile egos and clashing ideals: Differing views on identity, politics, and tactics spark personal conflicts, leading to attacks.

These reflect broader social divisions and insecurities. Both of these paths are kinda progressive, but one is based on fear and the need for control, and the other on openness and building of trust paths.


The West’s Climate-Catastrophe is “native” to the mess we are in

Why do we still worship the #DeathCult? As we stand on the precipice of onrushing #climatechaos and spreading social break down, it should be clear that much of the world remains on the path of what we usefully call the DeathCult—a term to describe the pervasive, destructive ideology that prioritizes power, wealth, and control over human life and our collective survival. The worship of this cult is clearly seen in the #mainstreaming response that is less concerned with averting disaster and more focused on maintaining the status quo at any cost.

This is a complex mess, a speech on the #deathcult what you have is the old right and the new right – what would the left look like?

The west’s climate-catastrophe plan, the strategies being employed by the few in power to mediate the escalating #climatecrisis reveals a dark and cynical world-view. Rather than addressing the root causes of environmental destruction, the current plan involves:

  • Silencing and Jailing Dissenters: Across the globe, activists, whistleblowers, and truth-tellers are increasingly targeted by governments. The criminalization of protest, the surveillance of dissidents, and the erosion of civil liberties are all used to silence the few people who challenge the current path. By removing voices of opposition, the nasty few hopes to stifle the more apathetic meany that might threaten their current power and wealth.
  • Impoverishing and Brainwashing the Masses: Economic inequality is not a by-product of the current system; it is a deliberate strategy. By keeping the majority of people in a state of economic insecurity, the few ruling class maintain control. At the same time, mass media and it “invisible” propaganda shape public understanding and motivation to divert attention away from real issues, to reinforce the #consumerist story’s that supports the current mess.
  • Imposing Forever Wars and Prison-Camp Epidemics: The endless cycle of wars, coupled with the spread of diseases exacerbated by poor living conditions, serves a dual purpose. It destabilizes regions, making them easier to control, while also reducing populations that might otherwise resist. The situation in Gaza, where millions are trapped in what is essentially an open-air prison, is a stark example of what this could look like when the brutal strategy is used on us as #climatecrises spread floods of migration.

This is the messy path we are walking down to the very real possibility of 21st century global fascism as a failed “solution” to the mess these people are spreading. The combination of repression, economic control, and orchestrated chaos can easily lead to the spread of global fascism, where the primary goal is the preservation of power for the nasty few. The psychopaths who design and implement this care for little beyond their own dominance—not even the future of their children, who will inherit a world on the path of collapse.

Most of these architects of destruction are older men who will likely die in comfort, shielded from the consequences of their actions. Their callous disregard for human life is a normal outcome of “success” to the priests of the #deathcult. If you care to take a moment to look it can be seen in meany #fashionista philosophies like “#longtermism,” which argue that even if billions perish in the coming climate catastrophe, we shouldn’t be too concerned, as the long-term survival of humanity (as they define it) is all that matters.

The DeathCult is a metaphor for #neoliberalisam which worships success in grabbing power above all else. It views the world as a zero-sum game, where the suffering of the many is justified by the comfort and security of the few. Over the last 40 years this ideology has been deeply entrenched in the institutions of the West, from organizations like the #EU, #WTO etc to national governments and corporations, and it is perpetuated by those who benefit from the existing mess. They have no plan or ideas to change this path, even our liberals are talking about this

We need to take a different path to breaking free from the DeathCult, to overcome this grim reality, to take simple steps we must first recognize the insidious influence of neoliberalism on our lives and societies for the last 40 years. Understanding the tactics and objectives allows us to resist its “common sense” pull and work towards creating a world that values humanistic paths over simplistic power and profit.

The Seven Stages of Denial:

1. It’s not real
2. It’s not us
3. It’s not that bad
4. We have time 
5. It’s too expensive to fix
6. Here’s a fake solution
7. It’s too late: you should have warned us earlier

Trolls use all of these stages to deny reality.

There is an urgent need for a paradigm shift, we are at a crossroads. The choices we make now will determine the future of humanity and our existence on this planet. It is gently need to reject the nihilism of the #DeathCult and instead embrace different paradigms—one’s that prioritizes #KISS social justice, environmental stewardship, and genuine democracy. This shift won’t come easily, social change is hard, but it is needed if we are to mediate the worst consequences of #climatechaos.

By recognizing, and change, challenging the paths that keep us locked in this destructive cycle, we can start to dismantle the structures of power that push inequality and environmental degradation. The time for action is yesterday, now is a start, before it’s too late.

PLEASE don’t be a prat about this, you can help us shift paths here

The “fluffy” need to enforce incitement laws

On the subject of the far right rioting, it should be obverse that the rampaging, violent inadequates we see in today’s society are not the root of the problem. Rather, they are weapons wielded by high-profile figures like Trump, Farage, and Robinson to achieve their own ends. The ignition issue is with, the want to be, influential individuals who incite violence and hatred to manipulate and control. The mess is in part from our collective worship of the #deathcult with the resulting mess being exploited to push discontent and prejudices of ignorant segments of the population, turning them into instruments for very small personalized agendas. These “leaders” incite violence, fuel divisions, and create an atmosphere of fear and hostility. The violence perpetrated by their followers is a motivation of their inflammatory rhetoric and actions, which itself comes from the #deathcult path we have worshipped for the last 40 years.

What to do about this is likely fundamental change, but as a step to this from a liberal “fluffy” prospective, we have incitement laws for a reason, to prevent individuals from provoking violence and hatred. Incitement is a serious crime because it directly leads to harm and undermines the fabric of society. For this liberal path, it is clear that there is a need to enforce these laws rigorously when dealing with high-profile instigators who use their influence to incite right wing violence.

On this path for accountability and justice, holding these high-profile figures accountable matters. It sends a message that no one, regardless of their status or power, is above the law. By enforcing incitement laws, we can: Deter future incitement, showing that incitement will not be tolerated can deter others from using similar tactics. Protect society: Reducing incitement can help to prevent violence and protect vulnerable communities. Restore trust in the rule of law: Ensuring that laws are applied equally can help to restore public trust in the justice system. This #KISS liberal #mainstreaming should be common sense to our fluffy crew.

In conclusion, the violent actions of the rampaging inadequates are symptoms of a deeper problem on the surface rooted in the careers and inadequacy of a few influential figureheads, under the surface it’s a direct result of the divisions of 40 years of #neoliberalisam and its dogmas. For the “fluffy” liberal chattering classes, it’s well past time to hold these high-profile instigators accountable for their actions. One way of doing this is rigorously enforcing incitement laws, a “fluffy” path to build hope to deter future violence, protect society, and restore trust in the rule of law, so we can get back to blinded #deathcult worship at worst or real change challenge at best. It’s hard to see a clearer reason for these laws to be enacted than the current pushing of right-wing violence. Best not to be a prat about this and get to it, It’s not even a spiky thing to do.

Alt media article worth a read