Rainbow Gatherings soft and hard organising the shopping mission

Published Date 5/18/12 5:29 PM The Rainbow shopping mission (DRAFT) The gatherings are fascinating places to see very different views of human organising, social institutions and working/broken alternatives to traditional society. I found that when on a shopping mission you should go with your own crew, to go with an existing crew is a recipe…

Queen Party

Published Date 4/9/12 9:44 PM Queen Party 21st April (Dalston, London) Everybody comes as a queen, any queen will do. Bring rich wine and fine dining. Gold, swans, hats, handbags, microphones, tight trousers and wig, a tetra. The royal verity show – performers free, everyone else 20 million $$$$. RSVP as the queen (any queen…

The Stupidly Simple Open Media Network

A common database of media metadata exchanged by RSS in and out, using open industrial standards and neutral unbranded widgets. 2. Is anyone doing something like this now and how is your project different? (30 words) There are many aggregators of news (eg http://daveriver.scripting.com/, or http://ignoregon.com) but they aggregate with whole rss feeds not tags, and new…