Talking about grassroots media as a step away from the current #techshit

Hamish Campbell, a veteran in radical media for the past 30 years, discusses the failure of current technology and mainstream culture. He highlights how the #dotcon boom commodified our data, resulting in closed technology silos like #Facebook and #Instagram that capture our attention and data for their own profit. Campbell argues that alternative technology built…

Rainbow gatherings happen far away from Babylon – the problem of #failbook

Rainbow gatherings happen far away from Babylon, this is understood. Yet for the last 10 years they have been increasingly/largely organized on Facebook and its importent to state the obvuse that this is having an affect on the gatherings. Facebook being a #dotcon is full on strong Babylon energy and this energy is overflowing/washing over…

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the 4opens Themediafund

Lets look at some alt projects from the perspective of the #4opens – Themediafund Open data – the site has no visible RSS its likely wordpress so maybe has a hidden feed. Copyright content so the data is closed and locked vier copyright.1/4 open Open source – The site is likely wordpress so opensource…

Open letter to 4 alt grasssroots media groups about the openweb

Published Date 6/27/17 5:15 PM DRAFT (please comment) Building up alt/grassroots media would be nice to get a reply 🙂 NovaraMedia The Canary Reel Media Real News Hi guys, Good to get a reply about this project from you. OMN is a network of Open Media Sites. Its a push to #reboot the openweb that…


Published Date 4/18/17 11:53 AM I have been talking about the fashernisatas for the last few years, its an idea/group that I have been struggling to work with my whole time in the alt/grassroots. So what is a #fahernista?  A group of individuals who value/push there own individual advancement over the needs of the croup…

You do all know that posting polatics on failbook is a pointless circle of nothingness

Published Date 12/20/16 9:20 PM You do all know that posting polatics on #failbook is a pointless circle of nothingness. Please stop and do something more usefull. We have a clective Liberal fantasy in the is an idea that #dotcon can be social useful. Its not what the money (billions) was invested in. They “invested”…