Draft outline script – 01. Buying the boat & motivation

* Hamish life in London – activism (Diaz film money windfall) visionontv video training workshops – find (do talking head) presenting film/film clip, training workshop montage. “my name is Hamish have been a media activist for 20 years, i recently was paid a wodge of cash from an Italian feature film. I had been in…

Extinction Rebellion outside the filterbubble

https://youtu.be/To5tZpjkakU https://feralculture.blog/2018/07/30/interview-with-extinction-rebellion/ If you won’t to network about this outside #failbook https://activism.openworlds.info/about or http://campaign.openworlds.info We need to reboot our networks outside the #dotcons if they are to speak beyond the #filterbubles to wider society. You can find this wider view by searching on the #openweb http://openworlds.info #OMN

Helping the stepaway from the #dotcons

https://campaign.openworlds.info https://activism.openworlds.info https://visionon.tv https://openworlds.info http://omn.openworlds.info I have 5 working/funded/stable #openweb projects to push this winter to wider ordences. Covering News, Social Media, Video and Search. Be the change you wont to see #stepaway from the #dotcons back to the openweb. #4opens are key for projects to work dont drink to deeply from the #encryptionist stream…

The Open Media Network (OMN)

“We can’t engage as communities, unless we have money. I can’t even express how angry this makes me.” – an activist group using Facebook. People and organizations who feel this way are the initial targets. https://activism.openworlds.info is an unfettered space for Activists and groups to communicate and https://campaign.openworlds.info a safe space for Campaigning and NGO…

Offering a real alternative to the dotcons world

Published Date 10/17/17 4:59 PM This is a quite #reboot of the #openweb going on. This #4opens project has nearly 1 million users https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastodon_(software) It’s one of the use it or lose it moments for life outside #failbook. It would be a bad time for progressive funders to start to prop up the #dotcons world…

History of the visionOntv project

The original project was offlinetv and was a online network to setup screenings to bring people together and cross fertilize different radical campaigning groups. I was pushing it as “open” rebooting of the failing undercurrents video activism project. Before this I had been making a meager living doing screenings by fundraising vie the copyleft ruffcuts…

Looking at the tech and organising of UK alt grassroots media

How meany sites link to another alt/grassroots media sits. From this list of 38 UK sites, only 2 link to another site. Many people find it hard to understand the underlining understandings that push projects based on flow and linking, such as #OMN and #openweb. Here is a short list of activism projects. Silo Is…