Socialism and Capitalism

#Socialism is a socio-economic path where the production (factories, mines, machinery, tools, raw materials, land, buildings, means of transport, etc.) are owned and controlled by the public. The goal is to create a basic equitable distribution of wealth and power by reducing the disparities seen in capitalist societies. Socialism abolishes private control of the means…

Liberalism – is not for you

A critique of #liberalism from a #Marxist perspective. 1. Marxist Analysis of History 2. Historical Context of Liberalism 3. Ideological Tenets of Liberalism 4. Critique of Liberalism Conclusion Liberalism, according to a Marxist, is a tool for maintaining bourgeois power and protecting capitalist interests. It presents itself as a philosophy of freedom and equality, but…

“tanky” is derogatory term for vertical factions within the left

The term #tanky is a colloquial and derogatory label used to describe some vertical factions within the left, particularly those who defend authoritarian socialist states and their historical actions. Origins of the Term The term “tanky” originated within the British left-wing circles, initially used to describe those who supported the Soviet Union’s intervention in Hungary…